Topic: Canadian Militia
The Most Efficient Cavalry Corps (1897)
"Military News," The Montreal Gazette, 4 December 1897
The Montreal Hussars are to be heartily congratulated upon being the most efficient cavalry corps, as proved by the recent comparative efficiency returns. The results, in order of merit, are as follows:—
- Montreal Hussars, Major Whitley – 134.07
- 8th P.L.N.B. Hussars, Lieut.-Col. Markham – 133.97
- 3rd Dragoons, Lieut.-Col. Rodgers – 118.58
- Queen's Own C. Hussars, Major Hetherington – 109.09
- 5th Dragoons, Lieut.-Col. Taylor – 108.89
- King's Canadian Hussars, Major Ryan – 106.97
- Princess Louise D. Guards, Capt. R. Brown – 102.00
- 1st Hussars, Lieut.-Col. Gartshore – 98.37
- 2nd Dragoons, Lieut.-Col. Buchner – 98.13
- G.G. Body Guard, Lieut.-Col. Dunn – 85.55
The marks were distributed as follows:—
- Clothing and accoutrements, arms and saddlery, armories, sword exercise, interior economy and books and records – 10 points each.
- Horses, squadron drill mounted – 20 points each.
- Answers to questions by officers – 12 points.
- Regimental drill by the commanding officer – 30 points.
To this is added the value of individual target practice and from it deducted the points for absentees from troops inspection and target practice. This gives the regimental figure of merit as shown above.
The full and detailed figures are given in the present issue of the Military Gazette. It is noticeable that in the returns of the Montreal Hussars that the total possible points were gained for armories, interior economy and books and records, and answers to questions by officers. For target practice a fair amount of marks were gained and for regimental drill by the C.O. 25 out of a possible 30 points. Lieut.-Col. Markham's corps is evidently the one with crack shots, for their target practice is away ahead of the others.
Major Whitley and the officers and men of the Montreal Hussars cannot be too highly complimented on this very successful result, the result of their first annual inspection as a separate organization. It will be remembered that last summer at the inspection Major Lessard, inspector of cavalry, gave the very highest credit and encouragement to Major Whitley and his men.