The Minute Book
Saturday, 27 May 2017

Rates of Pay on Active Service (1870)
Topic: Pay; the Queen's shilling

Rates of Pay on Active Service (1870)

Regulations and Orders for the Active Militia of the Dominion of Canada, 1870

The following are the rates of pay an allowances of officers when on active service.

Rate per day.Daily rate in lieu of all allowances.
Lt.-Colonel in Command of a Battalion.$4.87$1.00Pay and Allowances for these appointments can only be granted when the Officers are serving with their own Battalion or with a Provisional Battalion, and should be included at the end of such of the Company pay lists as the Commanding Officer directs.
Adjt. with Rank of Lt.2.440.90
Do. with Rank of Ensign.2.130.90
Asst. Surgeon2.430.72
Captain2.820.76These Officers are to be included for pay an allowances with their Men.
Ensign, 2nd Lieut. or Cornet1.280.69

No Regimental Staff Officer is to receive pay unless he has neen regularly appointed to the battalion of provisional battalion, nor is pay to be granted for Brevet rank of any kind, nor on account of half or unattached pay. Officers are not entitled to rations of any kind at the Government expense, the rate of "allowances" above fixed being intended to cover their Lodging, Rations, Forage (mounted corps excepted), Fuel and Light.

The rates of pay for each non-commissioned officer and man shall be as follows for their respective grades:

RankRate of pay per day. (cents)
Quartermaster Sergeant90
Paymaster's Clerk90
Orderly Room Clerk90
Hospital Sergeant90
Pay Sergeants80

The N.C.O. and privates shall receive, in addition to their pay, free lodgings and rations, and officers and men of mounted corps shall receive forage in addition for their horses, or a daily allowance of 25 cents in lieu thereof for each horse.

The Senior Subaltern

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EDT
Thursday, 16 February 2017

90.5 Per Cent of Privates Get Top $1.50 a Day
Topic: Pay; the Queen's shilling

90.5 Per Cent. Privates Get Top $1.50 a Day

The Montreal Gazette, 16 February 1944

Ottawa, February 15.—(CP)—Defence Minister Ralston said tonight in the Commons that 90.5 per cent. of Canadian privates overseas were receiving the top pay of $1.50 a day as authorized under pay increases last year.

Privates are placed in categories, usually governed by their degree of traininjg, of $1.50, $1.40, and $1.30 a day.

Fifty per cent. of Canadian Women's Army Corps privates overseas received the top pay of $1.20, said the minister.

More than 65 per cent. of the privates stationed in canada received the top pay of $1.50 and 60 per cent. of C.W.A.C. privates received $1.20.

Gordon Graydon, Progressive Conservative House leader, asked why women's pay was less than that of men in the army. Col. Ralson replied that women were not adaptable for all forms of service and their pay was on the basis of 80 per cent. of that given men.

The Senior Subaltern

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EST
Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Pay While a POW (1898)
Topic: Pay; the Queen's shilling

Pay While a POW (1898)

The Quebec Saturday Budget, 26 March 1898

A correspondent writes to the Broad Arrow as follow:—

It will occasion surprise to learn that on Colour-Sergeant Walker, Royal Scots Fusiliers, rejoining his battalion, after being six weeks in the hands of the Afridis as a prisoner of war, he was tried by district court martial for absence without leave. He was of course acquitted, but was sentenced to lose his pay from the time he left his regiment. It may, however, be pointed out that the course adopted is in accordance with the regulations on the subject. Article 954 of the Royal Warrant says that:—A soldier shall not be entitled to pay during the period of his absence as a prisoner of war; but upon rejoining the service, due inquiry having been made into the circumstances of the man's imprisonment, the Secretary of State may restore the whole or any portion of the arrears of pay for the period of such absence. This course will undoubtedly be followed in the case of Colour-Sergeant Walker.

The Senior Subaltern

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EDT
Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Paying "Tommy" is Big Job
Topic: Pay; the Queen's shilling

Paying "Tommy" is Big Job

Soldier Gets His Money in Trenches If He Wants It

The Spokesman-Review, Spokane, Washington, 4 April 1915
(Correspondence of Associated Press.)

London, March 23.—The pay department of the British army now employs nearly 700 officers and about 7000 clerks. This is nearly 10 times as many people as were required for the work in times of peace.

The housing of the constantly growing staff of the paymaster's office was one of the first difficulties, and the London main office has moved twice since the war began. Lately it has taken to adding private homes to its office area. Much of the time since the 1st of August the whole army pay organization has worked day and night.

The soldier receives his pay, if he wishes it, not only at the front, but even in the trenches. The cash, in French treasury notes, is issued by his company officer in the field, and is accounted for on the so-called 'acquittance rolls." Every soldier carries his paybook right through the war. As far as possible he is paid weekly. Men in the advanced trenches draw their pay almost as if they were in the barracks at home.

Researching Canadian Soldiers of the First World War

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 25 June 2016 3:03 PM EDT
Saturday, 7 May 2016

Active Militia Pay 1874
Topic: Pay; the Queen's shilling

Regulations for the Annual Drill of 1874-75, Dominion of Canada


General Order No. 14, Canada Gazette, 6 June 1874

The following are the established rates of pay per diem for corps in Brigade Camp:—

Lieut.-Colonel in command of a battalion$4.87
Ensign, 2nd Lieutenant of Cornet1.28
Adjutant, with rank of Lieutenant2.44
Adjutant, with rank of Ensign2.13
Quarter-Master Sergeant.90
Paymaster's Clerk.90
Orderly Room Clerk.90
Hospital Sergeant.90
Pay Sergeants.80
Buglers and Trumpeters.60

Officers must bear in mind that in all cases of leave of absence from camp, no pay is to be drawn for the day or days any officer or man is absent on such leave.

Regimental officers who may be required to act temporarily in a higher position than their regimental rank, will only receive the pay of their actual rank.

No mounted officer will be allowed for more than one horse, actually used by him.

The pay for horses to cover any expense incurred for shoeing while at drill.

The Senior Subaltern

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EDT
Monday, 30 November 2015

Pay at the Beginning of the 19th Century
Topic: Pay; the Queen's shilling

Pay at the Beginning of the 19th Century

Inside the Regiment; The Officers and Men of the 30th Regiment During the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, Carole Divall, 2011

Overall, the soldier was adequately clothed, at a cost of £1.16.6d in 1811. The regiment provided him not only with his jacket, trousers and shoes, but also with a kersey waistcoat and a cap, the last being replaced every two years, whereas the rest of the uniform was renewed annually. This headgear changed from a tricorne to a shako in 1806, the original stovepipe shako being replaced by the Belgic, with its raised front, by the time of Waterloo. Both were topped with a feather cockade. Since shakos were made of stiffened felt, they rarely retained their shape in wet weather. It was possible, however, to cover them with an oilskin protector which extended over the neck, thus offering some slight protection against rain.

The soldier was stopped 1/6d a week for what were termed his necessaries. These comprised in part the rest of his uniform: three shirts, one pair of gaiters while these were still worn, three pairs of worsted or yarn socks, worsted or yarn mitts, the much-hated black stock, and a foraging cap. Some other necessaries were required to maintain smartness: a clothes brush, three shoe brushes, black ball, hair ribbon and leather bag (while still required), two combs, and straps for carrying a greatcoat. This last was also regarded as a necessary and was renewed every three years. The other necessaries were all related to the upkeep of the musket: turnscrew, brush and worm, emery, and brick oil. They were paid for at public expense. The final necessary, of course, was the knapsack, which carried all this paraphernalia.

Necessaries were easy to lose, exchange for ready cash, or steal, and as a result they figure frequently in regimental courts martial records. For example, in the regimental courts martial recorded in the November 1814 inspection of the first battalion twelve men were recorded as having made away with part of the regimental necessaries, for which they received punishments which could be as much as three months' solitary confinement or as many as 300 lashes, with stoppages.

elipsis graphic

Finally, there was the question of pay, a shilling a day for the first seven years of service, rising to l/1d after seven years, and 1/2d after fourteen years. This needs to be compared with civilian rates. For example, agricultural labourers earned an average of 2/- a day, while skilled textile workers might earn as much as 4/- a day. In addition, the soldier received a penny a day as beer money, and sixpence for subsistence when on the march, twopence of which remained his after fourpence had been paid to the innkeeper who fed him. Since food, clothing and accommodation were all provided, he might well feel satisfied with his lot — were it not for the deductions the army demanded. Stoppages for necessaries, as we have seen, could amount to 1/6d a week maximum, while a further 4/7d maximum might he taken for messing expenses, including the supply of vegetables. If the full amounts were exacted, the soldier would be left with 1/6d a week, hardly a princely sum. And yet some men managed to leave a considerable sum upon their death, anything between five and ten pounds not being unusual.

The Senior Subaltern

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EST
Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Good Conduct Pay (1906)
Topic: Pay; the Queen's shilling

Good Conduct Pay

Canadian Militia; Regulations Affecting Pay and Allowances
Canada Gazette; 5 May 1906

Service Chevrons (1906)

The Quebec Saturday Budget,
6 January 1906

In order to provide a means of distinguishing those men under the rank of sergeant, and who have served continuously in their corps for three years, and has re-enlisted therein for a second period of three years of similar service, there will be issued to each a service chevron of one bar to be worn when in uniform (on the left arm below the elbow) during the period of re-enlistment.

An additional chevron of one bar will be issued, to be worn similarly, to those who re-enlist for further service, after completion of each period of three years.

147.     Acting bombardiers, lance corporals and men under those ranks shall be paid good conduct pay at the rate of twp cents per diem for the first, three cents per diem for the second and four cents per diem for the third year of service to be issued at the termination of engagement; and on re-engagement for a further period of three years shall be paid good conduct paay at the rate of five cents per diem for the first, six cents per diem for the second and seven cents per diem for the third year of re-engagement; issuable as above.

The latter rate, viz:—seven cents per diem, shall be continued without further increase to those who re-engage for a further period. (Para. 1003, R. & O., 1904)

148.     The issue of good conduct pay shall be, however, in any instance, dependent upon the service being continuous, dating from first enlistment in the corps. (Para. 1004, R. & O., 1904)

149.     Good conduct pay for three months, at the rate paid during the year, shall be forfeited for each entry against the individual in the Regimental Defaulter's Book (Para. 1005, R. & O., 1904)

150.     Hereafter, subject to the above provision, good conduct pay may issue for broken periods, completed prior to expiration of enlistment or re-engagement in cases where men are discharged by purchase or are physically unfit for service. (Para. 1006, R. & O., 1904)

151.     Men discharged on termination of period of enlistment or by purchase or otherwise, and subsequently re-enlisting in any branch of the permanent force, may reckon previous service for good conduct pay on the following conditions:—

(1) That he acknowledged his former service at time of re-enlistment; (2) that he was, when discharged, in possession of two good conduct badges; (3) and that he re-enlisted within one year of discharge. (Para. 1007, R. & O., 1904)

The Senior Subaltern

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EST
Saturday, 18 October 2014

Canadian Army Pay (1942)
Topic: Pay; the Queen's shilling

Unidentified Canadian infantrymen negotiating an assault training course, England, August 1942. Photographer: Alexander Mackenzie Stirton. Mikan Number: 3205243. From the Library and Archives Canada virtual exhibition Faces of War.

Canadian Army Pay (1942)

Ottawa Citizen, 14 Feb 1942

In response to a request that a schedule of Canadian army pay and allowances be published in handy form for clipping purposes, we oblige as follows:

The basic pay of the Canadian private soldiers is $1.30 daily. In addition he is housed, clothed and fed of in lieu of this is granted a subsistence allowance of $1 daily (50 cents rations, 50 cents for quarters). His health is cared for constantly by the Royal Canadian Army Medical Cops and the Canadian Dental Corps.

In the case of a married man a dependent's allowance of $35 monthly is paid to his wife on condition that he assigns to her at least 15 day's pay per month. In addition there is paid $12 to his wife each for the first two children, $9 monthly for the third and $8 for the fourth child. The dependent's allowance for the wife of a warrant officer (class 1) is $40 per month and for a lieutenant $45. Under certain conditions dependent's allowance may also be granted to other dependent relatives, such as a widowed mother.

elipsis graphic

Here's how a soldier's pay increases as he makes his way upward through the ranks:

  • trooper, gunner, driver, sapper, private, trumpeter, bugler or drummer - $1.30, if over 18 years of age;
  • lance corporal or lance bombardier - $1.50;
  • corporal or bombardier - $1.70;
  • lance sergeant - $1.90;
  • sergeant - $2.20;
  • staff sergeant - $2.50;
  • squadron, battery or company quartermaster-sergeant - $2.50;
  • warrant officer, class 3 - $2.75;
  • squadron, battery or company sergeant major - $3.00;
  • master gunner class 3, regimental quartermaster-sergeant, staff quartermaster-sergeant and quartermaster-sergeant - $3.10;
  • warrant officers class 1, other than those referred to next - $3.90;
  • warrant officers class 1, holding certain appointments - $4.20;
  • 2nd lieutenant - $.25;
  • lieutenant, $5.

Soldiers classified as tradesmen by virtue of civilian qualifications or graduation from army trade school and who are covering a vacancy on the establishment draw tradesman's pay extra, according to army grades which are as follows: class C, 25 cents; class B, 50 cents; class A, 75 cents.

Provisions have been made to assist the Canadian soldiers to reestablish himself in civilian life at the war's end and on discharge he receives the following clothing allowance: $35, if he has completed six months continuous service. If he has served under this time he will receive $27 or $17 according to whether he is discharged during winter or summer months. In addition to the above if he has completed 183 days service he receives a rehabilitation grant equal to 30 days pay of his rank. His dependent receives one month's dependent's allowance plus the amount of soldier's pay previously allotted to her. This is deducted from the amount otherwise payable on discharge to the soldier himself.

The Senior Subaltern

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EDT
Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Canadian Army Rates of Pay; 1942
Topic: Pay; the Queen's shilling

Unidentified Canadian infantrymen negotiating an assault training course, England, August 1942. Photographer: Alexander Mackenzie Stirton. Mikan Number: 3205243. From the Library and Archives Canada virtual exhibition Faces of War.

Canadian Army Rates of Pay; 1942

Canadian Army, Training Pamphlet No. 1
A General Instructional Background for the Young Soldier; 1942

Pay of the Warrant Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and Men of the Canadian Army (Active)

Financial Regulations and Instructions
Regimental Rates of Pay

The following daily rates of pay are authorized for warrant officers, non-commissioned officers and men.

Warrant Officers, Class I

Master Gunner, 1st Class
Staff-Sergeant-Major, 1st Class
Regimental Sergeant-Major
Garrison or Camp Sergeant-Major
Foreman of WorksSergeant-Major
Foreman of Signals
Clerk Signals
Draughtsman, Signals
Accountant, Signals
Engineer, Accountant
Topographical Surveyor
Engineer Draughtsman
All other Warrant Offiers, Class I$3.90

Warrant Officers, Class II, N.C.Os. And Men

Master Gunner, 3rd Class$3.10
Regimental quartermaster-sergeant
Staff quartermaster-sergeant
Squadron, battery or company sergeant-major$3.00
Warrant Officer, Class III$2.75
Squadron, battery or company quartermaster-sergeant$2.50
Staff sergeant
Lance sergeant$1.90
Corporal or bombadier$1.70
Lance-corporal or lance-bombadier$1.50
Private (over 18 years of age)$1.30

A warrant officers, non-commissioned officer or man performing the duties of a higher rank or appointment may be granted the acting rank and the rate of pay and allowances for such rank or appointment in the following circumstances only:

(a)     Providing he is covering off a vacancy in an authorized establishment;

(b)     Where there is adequate reason for filling the vacancy; and

(c)     When the candidate is qualified for the rank in question.

W.Os., N.C.Os. and men holding acting rank will revert to their permanent rank on ceasing to perform the duties for which such acting rank was granted. Particulars will be published in Part II Orders of unit concerned.

Tradesmen's Rates of Pay

In addition to regimental races of pay, soldiers who qualify as Army tradesmen and who fulfill the necessary requirements, may become eligible to receive tradesmen's rates of pay in one of three classes. The rates are 75 cents, 50 cents and 25 cents per diem, and are issuable according to the trade and the qualification obtained by the soldier concerned.

To qualify for tradesmen's rates of pay, a soldier must fulfill the following conditions:

(a)     Pass the appropriate Army trade test.

(b)     Be covering off a vacancy in the appropriate rank and trade in the War Establishment of his unit, except when held as an unposted reinforcement within the authorized quota.

(c)     Has completed the basic training for his Arm of the Service.

The Senior Subaltern

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EDT
Saturday, 12 October 2013

Pay; Canadian Contingents in South Africa
Topic: Pay; the Queen's shilling

Pay; Canadian Contingents in South Africa

Extract from a Report of the Committee of the Honourable the Privy Council, approved by His Excellency on the 18th day of March, 1900.

On a Memorandum dated 12th March, 1900, from the Minister of Militia and Defence, recommending that the pay of Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers and men of the Canadian Contingents of Special Service in South Africa be as follows:—

1.     Up to and inclusive of the date of disembarkation in South Africa:—

(a.)     1st Contingent, comprising the 2nd (Special Service) Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment, and reinforcements:—

($ cts.)
($ cts.)
($ cts.)
 2.82 2.82
 2.00 2.00
Adjutant, according to rank 0.50 
 2.80 2.82
Medical Officer3.00 3.00
Sergeant Major1.25 1.25
Sergeant1.00 1.00
Sergeants1.00 1.00
Sergeants1.00 1.00
 0.80 0.80
 0.75 0.75
Privates0.50 0.50
Buglers0.50 0.50

Being the rates of pay provided for the permanent corps of Canada, and allowances with the exception that the pay of privates is at the rate of 50 cents per diem, the rate of pay of a private in the several corps of the Active Militia, instead of 40 cents, the rate provided for the permanent corps.

And in addition to the foregoing, in the case of officers in permanent employment, such amounts as wil make their pay equal to that of the pay and allowances of their appointment, and, in the case of officers of the permanent corps, amounts equal to such increments of pay as have accrued to them under the regulations governing pay of the permanent corps (Part III, Sec. 3, Para. 15, Regulations and Orders for the Militia, 1898).

(b.)     The 2nd Contingent, comprising the Canadian Mounted Rifles and the Brigade Division of the Royal Canadian Artillery:—


N.W. Mounted PoliceSpecial Service Force 
SurgeonMedical Officer3.84
Veterinary Surgeon Officer.75

N.C. Officers and Men

N.W. Mounted Police Service Force 
Sergts (higher rate)Regimnetal Sergt. Maj.$2.00
Other Staff Sergts (higher rate)Battery or Squadron Sergeant Major1.50
Battery or Squadron Quarternaster Sergeant
Orderly Room Sergeant
Hospital Sergeant
Pay Sergeant
Other Non-Commissioned Officers, SergeantsOrderly Room Clerk1.00
Other Non-Commissioned Officers, CorporalsCorporals.85
 Farrier Quartermaster Sergeant1.75
Other ArtificersCorporal1.25

Being the rates of pay provided for the North-west Mounted Police, with the exception that the pay of privates is at the maximum rate of pay for privates in that force, viz.: 75 cents per diem instead of at the rate of from 50 to 75 cents per diem, according to service.

2.     From the date of debarkation in South Africa:—

(a.)     1st Contingent and reinforcements:—

By Her Majesty's Government, as agreed upon:

The rates of pay provided for infantry in the Royal Warrant for pay;

By the Government of Canada:

Such additional amounts as will be required to make the total pay of each Officer, N. C. Officer and man equal to that specific in paragraph 1 (a) above.

(b.)     2nd Contingent:—

By Her Majesty's Government, as agreed upon:

The rates of pay provided, in the case of Mounted Rifles, for Cavalry; and in the case of the Field Artillery, for Field Artillery, in the Royal Warrant for pay.

By the Government of Canada:

Such additional amounts as will be required to make the total pay of each Officer, N. C. Officer and man equal to that specific in paragraph 1 (b) above.

The Minister further recommends that all officers attached to the army for instructional or other purposes at the request and with the approval of the Government of Canada, including chaplains with the relative rank of captain, and nurses with the relative rank of lieutenant, be paid the rates of pay provided for that rank in the permanent corps with which they are attached, except in the case of officers belonging to the permanent corps or in permanent employment, which shall be paid, in addition, such allowances and increments as they may be entitled to under the Regulations and orders for the Militia, 1898, and that such part of their pay as is not paid by Her Majesty's Government, be paid by the Government of Canada.

The Minister further recommends that separation allowance as hereunder be paid:—

In the case of Officers: One half the amount of such Officer's pay to the wife.

In the case of N. C. Officers and men:—

RankWifeSon under 14 Years under 14 Years.

such allowances to be paid from and inclusive of the date of embarkation.

The Committee submit the same for Your Excellency's approval.

John G. McGee
Clerk of the Privy Council

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EDT
Sunday, 10 March 2013

Pay for the Canadian MIlitia (1914)
Topic: Pay; the Queen's shilling

The Guide: A Manual for the Canadian Militia (Infantry)

Compiled by Major-General Sir William D. Otter, K.C.B., C.V.O. (Retired List) Ninth Edition—Revised 1914


The daily pay for the several ranks and appointments in the Active Militia (Infantry) are as under (the rates of pay for the Permanent Force are somewhat different):

(A third column has been added to the table to show annual salaries.)

RankDaily Rate of PayAnnual Pay
Lieutenant- Colonel$5.00$1825
Adjutant (in addition to pay of rank)$0.50 
Musketry Instructor (in addition to pay of rank)$0.50 
Chaplain (rank of Major)$4.00$1460
Chaplain (rank of Captain)$3.00$1095
Lieutenant (provisional)$1.50$547.50
Sergeant-Major (if a Warrant Officer)$1.75$638.75
Sergeant-Major (not a Warrant Officer)$1.50$547.50
Band Master (if a Warrant Officer)$1.75$638.75
Band Master (if acting)$1.50$547.50
Quarter-Master Sergeant$1.25$456.25
Paymaster Sergeant$1.15$419.75
Orderly Room Sergeant$1.15$419.75
Colour Sergeant$1.10$401.50
Sergeant Drummer, etc.$1.00$365
Sergeant Pioneer$1.00$365
Machine Gun Sergeant$1.00$365
Stretcher Bearer Sergeant$1.00$365
Private or Bugler$0.75$273.75

Comparative Civilian Wages

For comparison, average annual salaries of other professions in the same era were:

Supervisory and office employees (1910) LINK $994
Teachers in English Canada (Ontario, 1910) LINK$485
Annual earnings in manufacturing industries, production and other workers (1910) LINK$417
Farm Workers (Ontario, 1914, including board) LINK$297

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 17 June 2013 2:58 PM EDT

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