Topic: Canadian Militia
Active Militia; Preparing for Active Service
The Canadian Volunteer's Hand Book for Field Service, Major T.C. Scoble, 37th Battalion (Haldimand Rifles), C.V.M., 1868
Should a company be warned for active service, the sergeant, whose duty it is to warn the men of his squad, shall be provided with a blank roll, the heading of which shall be as follows:
His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief has been pleased to order the battalion (or company) to be placed on actual service, and to muster at _____ o'clock at _____ .
This heading will be read to every man, who will then sign his name in acknowledgement of bis having received notice Should he refuse to tign his name, a remark will be made to that effect by the notifying sergeant, and signed by a witness who will invariably accompany him.
The officer commanding will lose no time in arresting all such volunteers belonging to his company or battalion, and reporting the same to the district staff officer. — (Regulations respecting Volunteer Militia).
On assembling his men the officer commanding should personally inspect each man, and ascertain tlrat he has proper articles of clothing under his uniform, and that he is provided with suitable boots for marching.
He will also, at the first muster-parade, personally ascertain that each man is in possession of the articles of equipment below enumerated, and will immediately report any deficiencies to the commanding officer of his battalion, who will report to the district staff officer:—
- 1 rifle with small stores complete.
- 1 set of accoutrements capable of carrying 60 rounds.
- 1 knapsack and straps complete, with canteen if supplied.
- 1 haversack.
- 60 rounds of ball ammunition.
- 1 water bottle or canteen.
- 1 great coat.
- Should be in every man's knapsack, or haversack; provided by the men themselves.
- 1 change shirt, flannel or cotton.
- 1 do. pair socks.
- Needle and thread.
- Knife, fork, spoon, tin plate.
- Piece of soft soap,
- Towel, brush, and comb.
- 1 pint tin mug with handle, if no knapsacks are supplied.
- 1 day's rations bread and cooked meat.
- 1 small packet of salt.
Where a corps placed on actual service is ordered away from its permanent head quarters, if the men be furnished with knapsacks, the commanding officer will not allow any of his men to take with them any other article of baggage.
When any volunteer corps placed on actual service is sent away from its permanent head quarters, every man will be supplied with a good pair of boots, on application being made by the commanding officer to the district staff officer; for which a stoppage will be made from his pay of 25 cents per week for short boots (price $1.50) or 35 cents per week for long boots (price ___) until the cost price be made good." — (Regulations respecting Volunteer Militia).