Topic: Canadian Militia
Issue of Snider Enfield Rifles (1867)
Militia General Orders
Headquarters, Ottawa, 14th June, 1867
General Orders; Volunteer Militia
No. 1
1. Arrangements have been made for the exchange of the Rifles now in possession of the Volunteers for Snider Enfield breech loading rifles.
2. The exchange will be made with the least possible delay, and to effect which, depots of these rifles and ammunition for the same will be formed at Quebec, Montreal, Prescott, Kingston, Toronto and London, from whence District Staff Officers may draw to supply the Corps in their several Districts.
3. Upon receipt of these Rifles by the several Corps, the Arms and Ammunition at present in their possession are to be returned as follows: The muzzle loading rifles and ammunition for same to the Provincial Storekeeper at Quebec, and the Peabody, Spencer, and Westley Richards breech loaders with ammunition for the same to the Provincial Storekeeper at the District Head Quarters of the several Distrists to which Corps in possession of the last names arms belong.
4. The arms to be returned are to be forwarded to their respective destinations by the most direct public conveyance in the same boxes that contained the Snider Enfield breech loaders as received.
5. The Commanding Officers of each Corps will be held responsible that the arms returned are clean, carefully packed and properly addressed to their several destinations.
6. To prevent delay in returning into store the arms to be exchanged, Commanding Officers will see that all the Arms at present in possession of their Corps, are deposited in their several Armories, ready to be packed on receipt of the Snider Enfield.