Topic: Canadian Militia
Prices of Officers' Uniforms for the Canadian Militia, 1866
Published in The Annual Volunteer and Militia Service List of Canada, 1st March, 1866
Circular Memo, Sept. 5, 1864: Informed Officers of the Militia that the following Articles may be obtained from the Militia Department at the prices stated.
These prices include the Ocean and Inland transport, as well as Insurance and all other incidental expenses.
Blue Frock | $13.50 |
Each pair of Silver Stars or Crowns | 1.50 |
Scarlet Tunic | 22.00 |
Each pair of Gold Stars or Crowns | 1.50 |
Trowsers, Oxford Mixture | 6.00 |
Shako, with Ornaments and Silk Glazed Cover | 4.00 |
Sword, with Leather Scabbard, Gilt Mountings, and Chamois-lined Bag | 11.00 |
Sword, with Steel Scabbard, Gilt Mountings, and Chamois-lined Bag | 11.00 |
White Patent Leather Sword Belt, with Plate "Canada Militia" | 4.50 |
Gold Sword Knot | 2.40 |
Silk Sash, weighing 8 ozs | 7.80 |
Silk Sash, weighing 10 ozs | 9.50 |
Forage Cap | 2.40 |
Badge for Forage Cap | 1.75 |
Tunic | $22.00 |
Each pair of Silk Stars or Crowns | 1.00 |
Trowsers, Oxford Mixture | 6.00 |
Shako, with Ornaments and Silk Glazed Cover | 3.25 |
Sword, with Chamois-lined Bag | 8.50 |
Black Patent Sword Belt | 2.40 |
Black Leather Sword Knot | 0.50 |
Black Patent Shoulder Belt and Pouch, with Ornaments | 5.10 |
Forage Cap | 2.40 |
Badge for Forage Cap | 1.00 |
Sword with Lined Bag | $8.50 |
White patent Sword Belt | .50 |
Infantry Sergeant's Sashes | $1.75 |
Officers making a requisition for any of the above articles, will be required to send with the requisition a deposit receipt from the Bank of Montreal, to the credit of the Receiver General of the Province, for such a sum as will cover the price of the articles required; and in all cases where Shakos, Tunics, and Trowsers are required, it will be necessary to give the size of the head, the height, and the Waist and Breast measure.