Customs of the Army (1956)

Contents - Sections - I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII - IX



1.     Orders

There is always a mass of orders, and it is the officer's duty to be familiar with them. Orders come under three main headings:

(a)     Standing Orders.

These consist of Regimental, Corps, Unit and Station Standing Orders and the officer must ensure he is familiar with them.

(b)     Routine Orders.

These are the normal daily orders as issued by order of the Commanding Officer. They affect all personnel in the unit and must be read daily. On returning from leave, or a course, an officer should read all orders issued during his absence.

(c)     District, Command and Army Orders and Army Council Instructions.

A great number of these orders and instructions will not affect the individual officer, but nevertheless it is his duty to make himself acquainted with them. A.C.Is. are of especial importance.

2. Orderly-Room Procedure

This is usually known as Orders," but some regiments and corps have other terms.

(a)     When attended.

It is normal for an officer to attend Commanding Officer's Orders the morning after he arrives at a new unit.

Should an officer require an interview with the Commanding Officer he should make application, in writing, to the Adjutant, giving his reasons unless private, and at the same time informing his Company or equivalent Commander of his action.

(b)     Procedure.

Each regiment, corps, or unit has its own Orderly-Room procedure and all officers should .acquaint themselves with such procedure.

"Orders" are a parade, and are usually treated as a ceremonial parade, so the officer should attend suitably dressed.

3.     Unit Clerks' Office

This office is invariably “sacred."

Officers junior to the Adjutant must obtain his permission before going there and officers equal in rank or senior to the Adjutant do so as a matter of courtesy.

Customs of the Army (1956) - Section IX

Contents - Sections - I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII - IX