The First World War
War Diary of The Royal Canadian Regiment

Transcription by Captain Michael O'Leary, The RCR.




1.     Description of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd lines.

    The left sector front line commences at, and includes GOUROCK RD. It runs NORTH along the R Line to the MENINRD thence to Y WOOD.
    The second line runs from and includes YEOMENRY POST through ROSLYN ST., thence along LEINSTER ST. to UNION ST.
    The third line consists of trenches RITZ ST., CARLTON ST., (not yet completed) and CHINA WALL.

2.    Method of holding line.

    The front line can be held by sentries and their reliefs with not less than four Lewis Guns in addition.

    Until sufficient accommodation is provided in the 2nd line a larger garrison than is required is maintained there. In the event of a bombardment the Garrisons of the lines will hold on and the O.C. Trench will distribute his men in the most expedient manner.

3.     The front line system is garrisoned by three Co's each less 1 platoon which forms part of the second line. These platoons forming the garrison of the second line are not available for counter-attack. The remaining Co. in local reserve has 1 platoon in LEINSTER ST. and the remaining 3 platoons at HALF-WAY HOUSE. This Co. is available for counter-attack purposes. Overland routes to the front line must be carefully reconnoitred.

4.     In the front line there are sufficient men to deal with a small hostile raid. In the second line, which is the main line of defence, there is the garrison to defend the line and additional sections of Bombers ready to deal with any portion of the front line into which the enemy may have penetrated.

5.     Action in case of attack.

    In the event of the front line being broken at any point, local counter-attacks will at once be organized by the nearest officer. If the attack is merely a hostile raiding party and the penetration is not serious O's C front line companies will organize the necessary counter-attack, for which purpose the Bn. Bombers in the support line will be available. If the penetration is of a more serious nature, the Bn. Bombers and the local reserve Co. will be organized under the O.C. the latter under orders the Bn. Commander. If these means fail portions of the line still in our possession will be held to the last; waiting the counter-attack by Bde. Reserve and if necessary, the counter-attack organized by Divisional Reserve with Artillery support.

6.     If a raid takes place on the left flank of the right Bn. the Bombers of the left Bn. who are in the vicinity will be ready to assist the neighbouring Bn.

7.     A similar procedure will take place if the right flank of the Bn. on the left is raided.

8.     In the event of a raid on CULVERT the garrison must hold on at all cost employing every means in their power to destroy the enemy. WING HOUSE will be picketed during the hours of darkness by 1 N.C.O. and 6 men in order to frustrate any attempt of the enemy to collect in that vicinity. A Lewis Gun is also kept there. Bombing posts are established in GRAFTON and CORK Streets. These posts must have a connecting file between them and the CULVERT. Touch must be established by patrol with the Bn. on the left, i.e., the right Bn. of the 20TH Division. A patrol will report to them hourly during the hours of darkness.

9.     In the event of an intense bombardment followed by an Infantry attack on a large scale, the garrisons of the trenches will hold on at all costs. No reinforcements will be sent to the front line until the bombardment ceases. Reinforcements in this case would be the Bde. Reserve.

10.     Regimental Aid Posts.

    There is one at HALFWAY HOUSE and one at TUILLERIES, where a good supply of Field dressings is kept.

11.     Dumps.

    Salvage, R.E., and Ration Dumps have been established as follows:-

C.H. Hill
Lieut. Col.
Commanding The Royal Canadian Regiment