The Minute Book
Wednesday, 8 January 2014

The RCR; A Question of Legal Existence (1894)
Topic: The RCR

The RCR; A Question of Legal Existence (1894)

An offer of service, and a challenge to entitlement.

elipsis graphic

Canadian Loyalty

The Toronto Daily Mail, 20 November, 1894

Offer to Place the Royal Canadian Regiment at the Service of the British Governments

London, Nov. 18—Sir Charles Tupper, Canadian High Commissioner, who is at present in Scotland, in addressing a meeting a few days ago, said that when anxiety was occasioned recently by the hurried assembly of the British Cabinet Council in London to consider the alarming condition of affairs in the East, the Canadian cabinet was also assembled, and authorized Chief Justice, Sir Samuel Henry Strong, acting-Governor-General, to send a cablegram to Lord Ripon, Secretary of State for the Colonies, stating that the Dominion of Canada was prepared to put the Royal Canadian Regiment of Infantry at the service of the British Government, and maintain the force in the common interest of the Empire.

This statement of Sir Charles' evoked the warmest applause.

elipsis graphic

Royal Canadian Infantry

The Toronto Daily Mail, 24 November, 1894

To the Editor of The Mail:

Sir,—The surprise with which I read the report published in your columns of yesterday that the Canadian Government had offered the services of "the Royal Canadian Regiment of Infantry" in the event of trouble arising in the East will, I think be generally shared by the officers of the active force. That the Government of this country could seriously indulge in such an absurd piece of gasconading will seem incredible to all who are aware of the facts of the case. Why sir, the "Royal Canadian Regiment of Infantry" has no legal existence. It is a mere figment of the brain of the headquarters staff. There is no Parliamentary authority for such an organization, and no funds have ever been voted by parliament for the support of such an organization.

What parliament has sanctioned and supported, and I hope will continue to sanction and support, is the establishment of certain military schools for the instruction of the officers of the militia of Canada. Simply that and nothing more. But upon this foundation, little by little, step by step, the Militia Department has built up what it now grandiloquently calls "the Royal Canadian Regiment of Infantry"; to which it gives precedence over the regular militia and the status, in all respects, of a regular as distinguished from a volunteer force. And while every other branch of the force, and especially the rural battalions, are starved almost out of existence, this precious bantling of the Militia Department, which is as costly in peace as it would be useless in war, is pampered and cherished in every possible way, is maintained at numerical strength, and at an annual cost, out of all proportion to the service which it now renders, and is now reported to have been out forward as a valuable contribution to the forces of the Empire, and as a representative body of the militia of Canada!

Fancy the four companies which are called "the Royal Canadian Regiment of Infantry" parading before the Duke of Cambridge and all his staff as the Canadian contingent to an Imperial army! But even if the idea were less absurd, the Government of Canada have no power to carry out this magnificent offer. And for this reason, among others, that as already stated, the money voted for this force is voted for schools of instruction, and therefore cannot be used for any other purpose but that of instruction. It is charitable to suppose that the whole story is the pure invention of the reporter, though the words said to have been used by the High Commissioner do not bear out that idea. Be that, however, as it may, it is just as well that the public should be made aware of the real state of the case, and expression given to the opinion which I know prevails throughout the force, that the Royal Canadian Regiment of Infantry should be called and treated as what it really is—a school of instruction—a mere adjunct to the regular militia, and not something beyond and above it.

And when notice is taken of the fact that in the year 1892-93 the Cavalry and Infantry schools alone cost more money than was spent on the drill of the whole force, the question naturally arises whether some simpler and less expensive method of imparting instruction to the officers of the active force cannot be devised. When it becomes evident that the tail is ambitious of wagging the dog, it is time for the dog to assert his rights. And if at any time a contingent is called for for Imperial purposes it can be obtained, from out of the ranks of the active militia, who are her Majesty's regular army in Canada. The schools of instruction will not then be interfered with in the discharge of their useful and legitimate duties.

Yours, etc.,
William E. O'Brien, Lieut.-Col.
Shanty Bay, Nov. 21

Lieut.-Col. William E. O'Brien was a provisional Major in the 35th Bn "The Simcoe Foresters" in 1869. By 1882 he was that regiment's Lieutenant Colonel. He served in the Northwest Rebellion of 1885 with the "York and Simcoe" Battalion, by which time he was also a member of Parliament. In 1898 Lieut.-Col. O'Brien was permitted to resign his commission and to retain the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel on retirement.

The Royal Canadian Regiment Museum

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EST
Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Deserters Sought (1947)
Topic: Canadian Army

567 Deserters Sought by Canadian Army

Military Police in Canada and Europe Still On the Lookout Two Years after End of War

The Evening Citizen, Ottawa, 1 May 1947
By Franck Swanson, Citizen Parliamentary Reporter

Military Police in Canada and allied military police all over Europe are still on the look-out for 567 Canadian deserters nearly two years after the end of the war with Germany.

Many of them have been "on the loose" since the early days of the arrival in the United Kingdom of Canada's overseas army, although the bulk are missing in Canada. A few are still at large in Europe and are believed to be in countries where Canadians served during the war.

Servicemen classed officially as "deserters" are listed separately from approximately 14,000 men who were conscripted into the service and then deserted before being sent overseas. They are listed on official army records as "deemed not to have served."

Never Part of Force

The difference in classification is that in the case of soldiers, sailors and airmen listed as deserters, certain rehabilitation benefits are still available. In the case of the men "deemed not to have served," no discharge credits have been or will be available. In other words, NRMA men who deserted before being shipped overseas were never officially part of the armed forces, and their names have been wiped from the slate of those who did serve.

Army personnel lead the parade of servicemen listed as deserters with 465 unaccounted for. The biggest proportion, 325 soldiers, are listed as having deserted in Canada, with the remainder, 140, listed as missing in Europe.

Seventy-five members of the navy are missing and listed as deserters in Canada with only five having disappeared overseas. In the case of the air force, there are 20 members missing in this country with only two still listed in Europe.

There is no question of an amnesty being granted the missing men. When, or if they are found, they will have to stand trial in the usual manner, and accept their punishment which invariably will run to long-term jail sentences. In the case of soldiers, sailors and airmen apprehended overseas, they would be returned to Canada for trial and imprisonment.

Many of those living overseas are believed to be in Britain where they are living on stolen or forged ration cards. According to Scotland Yard records there, 60 per cent of all recent crimes have been committed by army deserters of all nationalities—Canadian included. There are no figures in this country to show what percentage of crimes deserters are responsible for.

National Resources Mobilization Act (NRMA)

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EST
Monday, 6 January 2014

Promotion of Officers (1861)
Topic: Officers

Uniforms of the Canadian Militia (1898)


Promotion of Officers (1861)

Head Quarters
Quebec, 17th May, 1861

Militia General Orders
Active Force
No. I.

It will help to understand that the "Canadian Militia" at the time consisted of the "Active Militia" (part-time Militia units that were authorized pay for training) and a second class of units that were not funded for training. The Sedentary Militia also remained in existence, although the creation of units based on the Militia Act of 1855 also began the demise of the Sedentary Militia. The "Permanent Force" (now the Regular Force) was not yet in existence.

His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief, being of opinion that the Officers Commanding Corps of the Volunteer Force should have some progressive promotion in the Militia of the Province for long service and for the efficiency of their Corps, has been pleased to establish the following regulations for this purpose, viz:

1st.     That all Captains Commanding Corps of the Active Force, who have served as such continuously since the year 1856, inclusive, and whose Corps are at present efficient in every respect to the satisfaction of the Inspecting Officer, shall be promoted to the rank of Major in the, Militia.

2nd.     That henceforth, (except in special cases,) the rank of Major shall be granted after five years actual service as Captain of a Corps which is fully uniformed and efficient in every respect to the satisfaction of the Inspecting Officer.

3rd.     That henceforth, (except in special cases,) promotion to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the Militia will be granted only to Officers who have served five years consecutively as Majors at the head of one or more Corps who are fully uniformed and efficient in every respect to the satisfaction of the Inspecting Officer,—thus requiring ten years to attain the rank of Lieutenant Colonel from the period of the first appointment as Captain


4th.     His Excellency has also been pleased to direct that the rank of Major shall be granted to Captains after five years service consecutively as Major of Brigade,"to the satisfaction of the Officer on whose Staff they have served; and,

5th.     That the rank of Lieutenant Colonel shall be granted to Majors holding the following Staff appointments for five years consecutively to the satisfaction of the Officers on whose Staff they have served, viz: Assistant Adjutant General — Assistant Quarter-Master General, and Major of Brigade, thus requiring ten years for Captains to attain the rank of Lieutenant Colonel from the period of their first appointment to the Staff of the Active Force.

The Senior Subaltern

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EST
Sunday, 5 January 2014

Our "Garrison Towns"
Topic: Canadian Army

A portion of the private married quarters built at Canadian Forces Base Petawawa.
Google Maps image

Our "Garrison Towns"

Ottawa Citizen, 19 May 1949
By Dick Sanburn

Permanent Military Communities a new feature of Canada's life

There's a new kind of military tradition growing in Canada. It's something Britain has had since the days of the Romans, but it's a new feature of Canadian service life, a feature which grows out of Canada's maturity as a world power of consequence. The new tradition is based on the appearance, all across the country of what may be loosely termed "garrison towns," where the military is predominant.

For many years Britain has had its Aldershot, Bramshot, Camberley, Colchester and Catterick, and many more. Today, new but growing, Canada has its Borden, its Rivers and Shilo in Manitoba, its Petawawa, Fort Churchill, Ralston, Alta., Kingston, Esquimalt, Halifax and others.

In all these places permanent military communities are growing up, and that means real communities and not just strict military establishments of soldiers. In all of then there are the wives and children of the men iin uniform, officers, NCOs, and other ranks. The number of these family units is growing steadily as the government provides more and more of its highly attractive married quarters, both excellent houses and first-class apartments. Such accommodation already runs well up into the thousands.

In the new military communities, there are schools and churches, shopping centers, theatres, such amenities as bus service around the post or into nearby towns. There are clubs, ordinary community activities, even "mayors" and councils.

The interesting and significant thing about this development is the effect it probably will have on the service traditions. More than ever before, there will be traditional "military families." There are always such families, where son follows father and grandfather in a service career, but it seems completely natural that the trend will grow now more than ever before.

Here you will have hundreds, then thousands, of children born to military fathers in a military community, the children of mothers whose life has a long background of following father from one busy military community to another all across the country.

From the day it is born, the child lives in a military atmosphere. Uniforms, brass polishing, parades. Military jargon, all become as normal a part of a child's life as ice cream cones, movies and mud pies are to a civilian child. What more natural than that a son grows up wanting to be a soldier like his father, or that the daughter, knowing military men from infancy, would tend to marry a military man? Even now wives of serving soldiers tend to say "Gee, I wish we could get posted to Winnipeg (or Calgary, or Borden, or Chilliwack). There's a grand community at Fort Osborne there, and remember that nice Sergeant Doakes and his wife, Marj?"

Many of these new communities have their own newspapers, and the movement of families from one post to another are carefully recorded, and letters to the editor keep the big military family informed of what their friends are doing and where they are.

There may be rabid anti-militarists who will howl in anguish at this thought. It might shock them to visit one of these communities and see how pleasant they are, and how happy people can be in a military family.

Canada is growing up. This growth of a new military tradition is just one more of the signs of natural maturity.

The Senior Subaltern

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EST
Saturday, 4 January 2014

Oliver Equipment
Topic: Militaria

A soldier of the 2nd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment, wearing the Oliver Equipment (1899-1900). (RCR Museum image.)

A soldier of the 2nd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment, wearing the Oliver Equipment (1899-1900). (RCR Museum image.)

The diagram page from the original patent for the Oliver Equipment. (Library and Archives Canada online image.)

The diagram page from the original patent for the Oliver Equipment. (Library and Archives Canada online image.)

The OLiver Equipment. (The Canadian War Museum

The OLiver Equipment. (The Canadian War Museum.)

Oliver Equipment

The Daily Mail and Empire, 4 March 1899

They Liked the New Equipment

Major-General Hutton Examined it Yesterday
Lecture in the Afternoon

Men at Stanley Barracks Take Kindly to the Oliver Kit—To-day's Programme.

Major-General Hutton, with his A.D.C., Capt Bell, arrived in Toronto from Ottawa yesterday morning, and went at once to Stanley Barracks. During the forenoon a board of officers inspected and examined the new Oliver equipment. The major-general presided during an examination, the other members of the board were Lieut.-Col. Otter, D.O.C. Lieut.-Col. Cotton, Lieut.-Col. Holmes, Lieut.-Col. Scott, Lieut.-Col. Delamere, with Mr. Woodstock, the saddler, in attendance.

After deliberating on the usefulness and advantages of the new gear, the major-general and other members of the board were quite pleased with it, and as a consequence, orders will at once be drawn up providing for the wearing, issue, and maintenance of it, which will be printed and distributed as soon as ready.

Already the Oliver equipment has been tested here, in London, St John's, Fredericton and Halifax.

The Oliver Equipment

The Oliver equipment is an invention which tends to make the soldier's burden as easy as possible. It is a kind of harness, fitted somewhat like shoulder braces, made of oak-tanned straps, and when the full equipment is attached weighs in all about 60 pounds, that is, for marching order. Though the arrangement looks at first sight somewhat complicated, it is as compact as possible. The first of the three packets carried on the back is in line with the collar, containing the great coat and forage cap on the outside. Just below the shoulder blades the canteen is fastened, to contain one ration, when in active service. The lowest on the back, and practically on the hips rests the valise made of brown canvas. In this knapsack is contained a grey shirt, two pairs of socks, a towel, soap, box of grease, a pair of canvas shoes, a brush, and a hold-all, in which is shaving brush, razor, comb, knife, fork and spoon, button-stick and brush. On the outside at each side of the new knapsack is fastened a package containing ten rounds of ammunition. Under the cover of the valise the cape is strapped.

The belt has on the front a pouch containing 80 rounds of ammunition, while on the left side is the bayonet and trenching tool, the latter being something which is a new implement of war for Canadian soldiers. The trenching tool is like a small spade. On the right side is fastened a water bottle pouch, in which is places an ordinary pop bottle. In all there are some 35 buckles and brass parts on the equipment. There is also a white canvas haversack, containing 390 rounds of ammunition, and a ration.

There are five different ways of wearing the equipment, and the men who have tried it at Stanley barracks are well pleased with it, so that when it is supplied to the permanent schools it is likely to prove a popular innovation.

For more on Oliver Equipment:

The Royal Canadian Regiment Museum

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EST
Friday, 3 January 2014

Ghost Officer of the RCD
Topic: Tradition

Ghost Officer Tradition of Canadian Dragoons

The Evening Citizen (Ottawa); 10 February 1951
Tri-Service news, by V.A. Bonner

This is the story of the ghost officer of the Royal Canadian Dragoons. His silver tankard sits on the shelf behind the bar with those of the other officers. His place is set at the table. And his name is well known in the mess and the regiment.

Everyone knows Lt. J.G. Smithers. But where is he? And where has he been?

Asked Colonel

These were the questions I asked Lt.-Col. George Wattsford, officer commanding the Royal Canadian Dragoons after he presented me the tankard for my use while at Petawawa and one of his officers suggested I ask about the officer whose name was inscribed on the silver mug beneath the regimental crest, a leaping Springbok.

"He's not here. And he never was. And never will be." replied the Colonel.

"Then where is he?" I asked.

"He isn't" replied the colonel.

By this time I was wondering who was crazy.

"He isn't. He never has been. And he never will be." I queried again.

"Right," said the genial colonel.

And right then I surrendered.

"All right. Give me the story. I've bitten."

Most Remarkable Story

So I heard the most remarkable story I have ever encountered. Actually there is no Lt. J.G. Smithers. There never was. And there never will be barring the longest and most remarkable of coincidences. For Lt. J.G. Smithers is a mistake. And a mistake which the boys of the regiment tie on the colonel and the colonel hands on to a silver engraver of a well known national firm.

It seems when the idea first came into being that each officer who served with the RCD should have a silver mug engraved with his name and leave it as a memorial to its stay, the colonel was asked to submit a proper design.

He gave the matter grave thought and came up with a design for a glass bottomed silver tankard engraved as described above. Just to make sure the design was done right he drew a diagram and instead of lettering "Lt. John Doe" he lettered in "Lt. J.G. Smithers." The design went off to other authority and in due time came to the firm for the preparation of the mugs according to the list attached.

One for Smithers

Back came the mugs. And lo and behold there was one suitably engraves for " Lt. J.G. Smithers." The joke was on someone. But it was too good to let it pass. And so the mug of Lt. Smithers remains behind the bar with the rest. And each visitor gets to have drink from this tankard first of all whether it is milk or something a little more appealing. He hears the story of how the officers presented the mugs and a little about each officer. Sooner or later he is bound to ask about the officer whose tankard he has borrowed. And it is then that he hears the story of Lt. J.G. Smithers, the ghost officer of the Royal Canadian Dragoons who never served, who never will be, and who really doesn't exist, yet is a tradition in the regiment.

The Senior Subaltern

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 26 December 2013 3:55 PM EST
Thursday, 2 January 2014

Badges of Rank-Officers (1948)
Topic: Militaria

Badges of Rank-Officers (1948)

3.     Metal Badges of Rank—Officers

(a)     Metal badges of rank worn by officers will be in gilt metal except that in the cases of unite of The Royal Canadian Armoured Corps and The Royal Canadian Infantry Corps where previous authority has been granted by Army Headquarters to wear chrome or silver, such rank badges may continue to be worn: for Rifle Regiments and The Royal Canadian Army Chaplain Corps the metal badges of rank will be in black metal.

(b)     Stars

(i)     Stars are patterned after the Star of the Order of the Bath with the motto on the stars in a red enamel circle surrounded by a green laurel wreath; they are 1 inch from point topoint diagonally, except for brigadiers stars which are 1 inch from point to point diagonally.

(ii)     Stars for the Governor General's Foot Guards and Canadian Grenadier Guards are patterned after the Star of the Ordcr of the Garter. They are 1 3/4 inches high by 1 inch wide.

(c)     Crowns

(i)     Crowns are patterned after the Imperial Crown. They are 1 inch wide and 1 inch high with a crimson velvet backing.

(ii)     In Rifle Regiments and The Royal Canadian Army Chaplain Corps the backing of the crowns is in black velvet.

(iii)     In Rifle Regiments authorized to wear the uniform of the King's Royal Rifle Corps the backing of the crowns is red velvet.

(d)     Cross Sword and baton—The point of the sword to the front and the edge of the blade outwards or towards the arm. The sword is 2 inches long and the baton 1 7/8 inches long.

Embroidered Badges of Rank-Officers

4.     (a)     Embroidered badges of rank worn by officers will be in khaki worsted, of the size as for metal badges with a coloured backing extending 1/4 inch beyond the edge of the badge as follows:

By Whom WornColour of Backing
Field Marshals, General Officers, Brigadiers, Colonels
– Red
General Officers, Brigadiers, Colonels of:—
The Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps – Dull cherry
The Royal Canadian Army Pay Corps – Yellow
The Royal Canadian Dental Corps – Royal blue
The Royal Canadian Army Chaplain Corps – Purple
Officers of all other corps will wear the appropriate colour as follows:
The Royal Canadian Armoured Corps – Yellow
The Royal Canadian Artillery – Red
The Corps of Royal Canadian Engineers – Blue
The Royal Canadian Corps of Signals – Blue
The Royal Canadian Infantry Corps: 
Rifle Regiments unaffiliated – Rifle green
Rifle Regiments affiliatedRegt'l custom
Other Infantry Regiments – Scarlet
The Royal Canadian Army Service Corps – Yellow
The Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps – Dull cherry
The Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps – Red
The Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers – Dark blue
The Royal Canadian Army Pay Corps – Yellow
The Royal Canadian Dental Corps – Royal blue
The Royal Canadian Army Chaplain Corps – Purple
The Canadian Postal Corps – Blue
The Canadian Fbrestry Corps – Green
The Canadian Intelligence Corps – Green
The Canadian Provost Corps – Red
The General List – Scarlet
The Canadian Officers' Training Contingents – Scarlet

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EST
Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Faith isn't the problem
Topic: Commentary

Faith isn't the problem

Sometimes, it's how you represent that undermines your intent.

I recently attended a funeral, and the Minister who conducted the service said something that resonated: "Faith isn't the problem, the problem is religion."

"That's interesting," I thought, "it's not what you believe, it's how you practice it that can be the problem." The reason I found it interesting is that I saw an immediate parallel in the way some soldiers, serving or retired, apply similar methods to their declarations of regimental loyalty.

For many, belonging to a regiment is an entry into a brotherhood (apply variable gender as needed) that extends both laterally through one's own generation as well as forward and backward in time to all preceding and succeeding generations of regimental soldiers. Accepting this. they devote themselves to earning a rightful place among peers in regimental service (spanning generations and divested of rank stratification). That common attribute of belonging is taken as a starting point, and everything that follows is an opportunity to prove that they too deserve to belong, in thought, word and deed. They strive to strengthen the regimental family by being a strong component of its structure. They consciously work, in all that they do, to represent the regiment's "brand."

For others, "regiment" is an identity they take unto themselves. They use it to declare their affiliation, and assume rights of respect, honour and reward because of that affiliation. To them, belonging to a regiment justifies their actions, and behaviors molded in one era might be repeated (despite degraded social acceptability) because that's what they did "back in the day."

Those in the first group, I want to believe they are the majority, are content to be the quiet professionals. They adopt a minimum of overt regimental branding, and often then only in careful context. They maintain regimental standards of proficiency, professionalism and honour, often leaving their regimental identity to be discovered afterwards by an outside observer, or given only on direct inquiry. They walk a path of regimental pride with a personal attitude of peace and calm, they know that brotherhood stands behind them, and they offer support more often than they seek it.

The second group lead with that regimental identity. They are the ones festooned with regimental colour and accoutrements, even in the most sedate environment. Where many might wear one or two lapel pins, they will wear a flurry of them, representing every group they belong to, often in multiples, and for each event they have attended that issued a representative pin. This over the top approach may play well among their like-minded fellows, but it also undermines the intent. The tacit intent to attract new members into that long-standing group of regimental supporters.

At any regimental event, that noisome group of regimental supporters is readily noticed, and most certainly noticed by young soldiers on parade. In those young minds, that recognizable group, which by habit clusters into a tight and loud subset of onlookers, becomes the imprinted image of what appears to be expected of them on retirement. (The larger group of quieter ex-regimental soldiers is often overlooked, they remain dispersed and more subdued, by personal and collective habit.) In many young soldiers' minds, they resolve not to become one of "those guys." Unfortunately, the extrapolation of that thought is not to avoid becoming a member of the louder group, but instead to not become a member of the regimental association at all.

We need to work on managing the perceptions of the younger generations, ensuring they understand that they can choose what role they take in representing their regiment and, for that matter, that different roles and relationships exist. More importantly, we must consciously work to avoid undermining their sense of what regimental participation in future means, because they are, and will always be, the future of the regiment from where we stand today.

So, how are you expressing your ongoing loyalty to regiment? Is it setting an example that your own young self would have readily followed? Will others follow you? Leadership responsibilities don't end when we take off the uniform.

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 1 January 2014 12:23 AM EST
Tuesday, 31 December 2013

New British Target for Rifle Range Training
Topic: Drill and Training
A Solano Target

A example of the Solano Target
(Click for larger image).

New British Target

The Montreal Gazette, 17 February, 1909
(London Leader)

The fact that new targets are to be used which will abolish the necessity of firing at concentric rings at known distances may be of interest to that class of young men which dodges the territorials because rifle-range shooting is poor sport.

The old bulls-eye target is obsolete, having been formally condemned by the Army Council in their order of October, 1907.

Mr. Solana, the inventor of the new targets, condemns the old bull-eye in a sentence : "Not only are men encourage to fire at objects over distances at which objects in war are invisible," he says "but they are taught to fire with a nice accuracy utterly impossible in war through the rapid pulse and strong pulse induced by excitement and exertions."

The soldier today does not stand up in a line of his fellows and fire point-blank at short range at an opposite line of the enemy. The modern rifle gets more and more like a rapid lead pump; the enemy is nearly always invisible, except for the shortest possible periods, and battles range over vast areas.

Until Mr. Solano invented his wonderful apparatus, therefore, the modern soldier could get no training whatever in the work of learning how to kill his enemy under the conditions he would find on the battlefield. He has had field work, of course, but there has been no means of telling whether the shooting was effective.

The Solano targets have received the hearty approval of the Duke of Connaught and Earl Roberts, and have won for their inventor the warm thanks of the Army Council.

They may be described as a rifle-man's education in eye-training, distance judging, and rapid fire.

They are inexpensive, and by their means field firing practices may be carried on within the radius of a room or a barrack yard. The Solana triangle and linear targets, for individual and collective firing, will in time replace the old pattern marks at the ranges.

A triangle has been chosen instead of the circle, as being in direct relation to the human figure; and others of these targets represent infantry, cavalry, and guns, etc., at varying distances and in natural tints.

The most interesting part of the new invention, however, is undoubtedly the Battle Practice Target.

It is, with its many accessories, no less than a miniature field of battle. The size of all the objects on it—men, rocks, clouds, lights, trees, etc.—bear a mathematical relation to the distance at which they are shown. The marks—that is, the model troops—are tinted with atmospheric effects from life studies; a portion of the work for which a lady artist, Miss Coral Lubbick, is responsible.

The target is capable of the effects of dawn, of day, and of night. It can be made to represent summer, winter, and autumn, and mountain and desert scenes, and it can show various skies.

It trains men to fir at men, reduced to what they would show us, by day, in the field, with all the mutations of changing positions, distances, etc.

It can be a night scene, with varying gun flashes and sounds, to train men to judge the posirion and distance of the enemy under such circumstances.

It can be used as a training, in a small space, for signalling work, helio and flag, under conditions which men would have to deal with in the field.

The target can be provided with ordinates and wind velocity scales, and scoring sheets are provided to show the progress of individual marksmen and squads.

Indeed any body of men, who proved at all successful in scoring on this strange target, would prove very ugly customers in the real place.

In addition, the men will go through physical exercises prior to target practice, which will give them the high pulse and heavy breathing necessary for realistic inaccuracy.

The Senior Subaltern

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EST
Monday, 30 December 2013

Rene Jalbert, Cross of Valour
Topic: Medals

René Jalbert, Sergeant-at-Arms at the Quebec National Assembly

The Canada Gazette, No. 29, Vol. 118
Part I

Ottawa, Saturday, July 21, 1984

Government House

Canadian Bravery Decorations

The Governor General, the Right Honourable JEANNE SAUVÉ, on the recommendation of the Canadian Decorations Advisory Committee, has awarded bravery decorations as follows:

Cross of Valour


In a rare display of coolheadedness and courage, René Jalbert, Sergeant-at-Arms at the Quebec National Assembly, subdued a man who had killed three people and wounded thirteen more on the morning of 8 May 1984.

The man had entered a side door of the National Assembly building and immediately opened fire with a submachine-gun; moments later, be climbed the main staircase toward the assembly chamber, known as the Blue Room, shooting repeatedly, and then burst into the chamber. As bullets peppered the wall, Mr . Jalbert entered the Blue Room and with icy calm convinced the man to allow several employees to leave the premises. Then be invited the heavily armed man into his downstairs office, in effect setting himself up as hostage while removing the man from the scene. At extreme personal risk, but with unflinching authority, Mr. Jalbert spent four hours persuading the man to surrender to police. The audacity of this retired Major of The Royal 22nd Regiment, a Second World War and Korean War veteran, almost certainly prevented a higher death toll.

Canadian Bravery Decorations
Regulation, 1996

Cross of Valour

(1)     The Cross of Valour shall be awarded for acts of the most conspicuous courage in circumstances of extreme peril.

(2)     The Cross of Valour shall consist of a gold cross of four equal limbs, as follows:

(a)     the obverse shall be enamelled red and edged in gold with, superimposed in the centre, a gold maple leaf surrounded by a gold wreath of laurel; and

(b)     on the reverse, the Royal Cipher and Crown and the words VALOUR - VAILLANCE shall appear.

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 14 December 2013 5:28 PM EST
Sunday, 29 December 2013

Sam Hughes and the Permanent Force (Part 3)
Topic: Canadian Militia

Colonel Sam Hughes and the Permanent Force
(Part 3)

And then, going over to the attack …

Reinforcing his own alternative explanation for the reaction to his remarks in Halifax, Hughes turns to the attack. He removes one officer and the question of rumours of mass resignations has to be addressed.

Col. Hughes Takes Summary Action

Medical Officer of Halifax Garrison Removed from Militia List
Custom of British Navy
Searching Enquiry to be Instituted by Minister of Militia Into habits of the Officers

The Montreal Gazette, 21 July, 1913

(Special to the Gazette.)

Ottawa, July 20.—The name of Lieut.-Col. Curry, medical officer of the Halifax Garrison, has been removed from the militia list as a result of the unpleasant incident at the military dinner in that town. This action was taken immediately after the return of the Minister of Militia from Halifax.

There has been some disposition to question the minister's power to take summary action of this nature. The minister bases his action upon paragraph 235 of the King's Regulations and Orders, Canada. This paragraph is: "An officer may at any time be removed by order of the Minister of Militia for misconduct."

It develops that the inquiry which Col. Hughes ordered into the conditions of the Halifax Garrison will have a very wide scope. It will have reference to the habits of officers in the matter of indulgence in liquor, and if mess bills show that the amount of strong drink consumed is such to interfere with an officer's capacity for work and leadership he may expect to hear from his superiors on the subject.

It is believed that the minister is somewhat influenced by the precedent afforded by the custom followed in the British Navy, whereby officers on board ship are required to observe the utmost care, excess consumption of stimulants in itself being regarded as dangerous to the service and therefore an offence.

It is well known to Canadian officers who have seen service of late with Imperial troops that there is little drinking in the messes of efficient regiments. This is an oversight of officers' personal habits which is not attempted in any civil employment but it is pointed out that an officer must in peace keep himself in a condition of bodily fitness which will enable him to bear the fatigues and exertions required on active service and that consequently a standard of abstemiousness may be required of him, which is not exacted of others.

Officers Not to Quit the Service

Official Denial is Given Rumor of Contemplated Resignations in Toronto

The Toronto World, 28 July 1913

The World has received the following letter from Lt.-Col. H.M. Elliot:

Editor World: With reference to the statement contained in The Toronto World, dated July 16, 1913, as follows:

"Toronto's thin red line, represented by the Royal Canadian Dragoons and Royal Canadian Regiment of Infantry at Stanley Barracks, may be still further attenuated as a result of the sweeping indictment of a certain class of permanent officers, made by Col. Sam Hughes at the Halifax banquet.

"It was stated last night that many of the regular officers contemplated resigning their commissions as a protest against the remarks of the minister of militia, and that their example would be followed all over the country."

Gen. Lessard has made full enquiries amongst the officers of the Royal Canadian Dragoons and No. 2 Infantry Station, R.C.R., and desires me to say that your statement is entirely incorrect and without foundation. Be good enough, therefore, to have the statement corrected in the next issue of your paper and to oblige.

H.M. Eliot, Lt.-Col.,
A.A.G., 2nd Division.

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 27 December 2013 12:53 PM EST
Saturday, 28 December 2013

Sam Hughes and the Permanent Force (Part 2)
Topic: Canadian Militia

Colonel Sam Hughes and the Permanent Force
(Part 2)

The politicking begins, with deflection …

With officers taking offence at his remarks at the dinner in Halifax, Hughes deflects the cause of their dissatisfaction. Instead of reinforcing his opinions of the permanent force officers, he deflects the issue and claims that any complaints are obviously due to the drunkenness off those present.

Officers Can Quit Retort of Hughes

Halifa3x Banquet, Where Wine Flowed Rather Freely, has Unpleasant Sequel

The Toronto World, 16 July 1913

Ottawa, July 15.—(Can. Press.)—Col. The Hon. Sam Hughes stated very emphatically today in reference to stories that certain officers at Halifax will resign as a result of his remarks at the military banquet there, that anyone who did not like what he said was free to get out as soon as he pleased.

"I have said nothing to offend any man that behaved himself at the dinner," stated the minister of militia, "and I have no apology to offer."

It is understood here that what the minister thought to be a dry banquet was turned into a wet one by the officers having whiskey and wine brought in without the minister's knowledge and that conditions became so bad that Sir Ian Hamilton was annoyed during his speech and Dr. A.H. MacKay, superintendent of education for Nova Scotia, could not be heard at all.

Need Not Resign Officers' Reply

Hon. Sam Hughes Unable to Force them to Do So.

The Toronto World, 17 July 1913

Halifax, N.S., July 16.—(Can. Press.)—That Col. Hughes, minister of militia, is not going to let the behaviour of certain officers at a banquet he gave to Sir Ian Hamilton here last Friday night, go with a simple warning to the military to avoid "idleness, profligacy and social activity," is indicated by the following announcement, contained in this morning's Herald:

"Col. Rutherford, the officer commanding the sixth division at Halifax, has been called upon for an explanation of the tendency of some of the officers of the division, both of the permanent force and the active militia, to indulge too freely in the use of liquor."

Much amusement has been caused among military men here by Colonel Hughes' declaration that he proposes to dismiss a number of officers for getting intoxicated at his dinner on Friday night, for it is contended by officers that the minister of militia does not possess the power to arbitrarily remove an officer. All commissions, they point out, issue from the King, and the utmost that the minister can do is to request an officer's resignation. If the officer declines to resign, he must be court martialed before anything can be done to his commission, and he can only be dismissed if a court martial finds he has committed an offence of sufficient magnitude to warrant this step. It is not thought here that drinking wine at a dinner would be considered sufficient excuse to cashier a man.

An investigation is under way to ascertain the names of the officers who imbibed too freely, and it is expected they will offer an apology to the minister, after which the incident will be dropped. The dinner was held at a public hotel, where it is the usual custom at public dinners to order additional wines, and the officers who did so on Friday night forgot that on this occasion they were not at a public dinner, but were the private guests on the minister.

Approves Col. Hughes

Mayor Bligh of Halifax Supports Temperance Principles

Ottawa Citizen, 17 July 1913

Saskatoon, Sask., July 17.—Mayor Bligh, of Halifax, the newly elected president of the Canadian Municipalities Union, in an interview upheld Colonel Sam Hughes in his scathing denunciation of the bibulous tendencies of some of the officers of the forces of Halifax. Mayor Bligh gave it as his opinion that the people of Halifax would stand pat with the minister's remarks, saying that they did not care a great deal for the officers largely because of their tendencies along those very lines.

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 27 December 2013 12:52 PM EST
Friday, 27 December 2013

Sam Hughes and the Permanent Force (Part 1)
Topic: Canadian Militia

Colonel Sam Hughes and the Permanent Force
(Part 1)

It will help to understand that the "Canadian Militia" at the time was an all-encompassing term for all soldiers in Canadian employ. This was divided into the "Permanent Force" (now the Regular Force) and the "Active Militia" (those part-time Militia units that were authorized pay for training), the latter being separate from a previously existing class of units that were authorized to be formed, but no pay was allocated for their annual training.

Over three successive posts, starting today, The Minute Book will examine through the published reports of the time, an incident where Colonel Sam Hughes, Minister of Militia, showed his contempt for the officers of the Permanent Force and to those who might challenge his actions. Those who have studied Sam Hughes will know he considered himself a consummate Militia soldier, with no respect for those who chose soldiering as a profession. His disdain for the Permanent Force would later, in 1914, again become clear when he intended to disperse the soldiers of The Royal Canadian Regiment and disperse the regiment's troops among the new units of the first contingent of the Canadian Expeditionary Force.

In this first part of three, Hughes criticizes the officers of the Permanent Force in his speech to a dinner held at Halifax on 11 July, 1909.

Col. Sam Lectures Militia Officers

Arraigns Especially Permanent Force for Frittering Time Idly in Society

Must Work With Militia
Officers of Permanent Force Only meant for Military School Masters, Says the Minister.

The Montreal Gazette, 12 July 1913

Halifax, July 11.—Col. The Hon. Sam Hughes gave a dinner at the Halifax Hotel tonight in honor of General Sir Ian Hamilton. The company, which numbered about 100, was almost exclusively made up of officers of the garrison, permanent force, and active militia. At the conclusion of the toast list the minister told the officers of the permanent force what he expected of them and intimated very plainly that they must do their work properly and in the interest of the militia of Canada, or leave the service. There would be no tolerance for incompetence, he said, but on the other hand efficient men who improve themselves and the force will be given a chance to rise.

Col. Hughes said he wanted the officers of the permanent force to remember he was at their back when the did their duty in earnest, and help the militia, but he wanted to say that no man would be allowed to remain in the force who did not sympathize with the militia force and seek its betterment. The permanent force was simply instructional. Its purpose was the improvement of the militia.

There would be no promotion for any officer of the permanent force, he said, who did not show his value by what he did for the militia. At the universities training opportunities were being provided and it was his intention to have drill halls at all the universities in order that men might be trained to take any military position, and he said further that it would be possible for men of ability and diligence to excel in the military profession just as surely as those who adopt medicine and the law may achieve success in those ventures of usefulness.

If the permanent officers were wise they would not devote their time to "society," frittering time idly away, but they would avail themselves of opportunities for improvement in their profession, and help to build up the militia. If they fail in this others who put conscience in their work will get the promotion.

Soldiering was a noble profession, none more freely admitted this than he, but the minister said he wanted once and for all to make clear that there must be no invidious differences between the permanent and the volunteer forces. His aim was to get efficiency and so long as he remained Minister of Militia that alone would be the standard of promotion.

The minister said he spoke thus plainly in Halifax because here the largest permanent force is located. The day when soldiering was looked upon as a mere pastime was gone. It was a serious business and must be made that.

Those in the service who thought otherwise or who acted differently could have no place in the permanent or militia force. There was no room for them. Any officer who asked for promotion must be able to show that there are other reasons for making the request from the mere seniority. Efficiency and usefulness must be shown. It is these alone that will tell. The minister said he trusted that when the university training courses are established the permanent force officers would be found taking full advantage of them and become members of what in effect would be a university for the training of the militia.

Officers Lazy, Hughes Asserts

Would Rid Permanent Force of Men Given to "Idleness, Profligacy and Social Gaiety."

The Toronto World, 12 July 1913

Halifax, July 11.—(Can. Press.)—Col. Sam Hughes, minister of militia, entertained the permanent and active militia of the Halifax garrison at dinner tonight and created somewhat of a sensation by roundly lecturing the regular officers for idling and neglecting their duties. He declared that the permanent forces were no places for men who desired to spend their time in idleness, profligacy and social gaiety and any men who failed to do their work could look for little sympathy. He referred to friction which had existed between the active militia and the permanent forces all over the Dominion and defended his policy of appointing men from the active forces to positions which men of the permanent force were qualified to fill.

Colonel Hughes said this condition had been met all over Canada, but he had refrained from speaking of it until he could do so in Halifax, the largest Canadian garrison. He impressed on the permanent corps officers that their force existed purely for instructional purposes, and that they were nothing more than military schoolmasters.

Sir Ian Hamilton, inspector-general of the overseas forces, paid high compliments to the local militia, declaring that the Halifax regiments were fully up to the standard of the best corps throughout the empire.

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 27 December 2013 12:51 PM EST
Thursday, 26 December 2013

The Royal Canadian Navy (May 1939)
Topic: RCN

HMCS Skeena, image from Wikipedia

The Royal Canadian Navy (May 1939)

Ottawa Citizen, 12 May 1939

Western Division, Esquimalt


Built in 1930. Displacement 1375 tons. Turbines S.H.P. 36,000. Speed 35.5 knots. Fout 4.7-inch guns, one 3-inch, seven smaller guns, eight torpedo tubes, mine dropping equipment.



  • Comox, built at Burrard Drydock, 1938.
  • Nootka, built at Yarrows, 1938.

Length, 160 feet, one 4-inch gun.

Eastern Division, Halifax


Built 1929. Displacement 1337 tons. Turbines S.H.P. 32,000. Speed 35 knots. Fout 4.7-inch guns, seven smaller guns, eight torpedo tubes.


  • Gaspe, built at Quebec, 1938.
  • Fundy, built at Collingwood, 1938.

Length, 160 feet, one 4-inch gun.

To arrive one flotilla tender purchased from the Royal Navy, 1939.
To be built in Canada, motor torpedo boats and a training schooner.


R.C.N. Officers 137. men, 1582.
R.C.N.V.R. Officers 123. men, 1344.

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EST
Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Guardians of Peace
Topic: Mortars

Guardians of Peace

Canadian Armed Forces Recruiting Advertisement, circa 1952.

The Infantry Mortar Crew …

In attack and defence, the Mortar Crew adds to the effectiveness of Infantry. Accurate, concentrated firepower is vital to successful operation in the field. It calls for cool, highly trained men to operate the many complex weapons of the Infantry.

Canada’s tough, independent Infantrymen are the finest fighting soldiers in the world. At home and overseas, these young men stand in the front lines of Canada's freedom.

There are outstanding career opportunities for young men in the Canadian Army Active Force. There are career opportunities with challenges of adventure, the excitement of travel in the most important job in Canada today — defence.

You are eligible for service in the Canadian Army Active Force if you are 17 to 40 years of age, tradesmen to 45, physically fit and ready to serve anywhere.

The Senior Subaltern

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EST
Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Christmas Billies
Topic: Humour

Christmas Billies

The Roses of No Man's Land, Lyn MacDonald, 1980

Christmas 1917 fell like a faint beam of light across the shadowed days of the fourth winter of the war. There were hardly enough boats to carry the huge quantities of cards, letters and parcels for the troops on active service, and the comforts that everyone wanted to send to the sick and wounded in the hospitals. Although people had been adjured to 'Post Early', there was a ho!d up at Southampton in early December and it took fully three weeks of gargantuan effort on all sides to ship everything across to France in the week before Christmas.

It was fortunate that the Red Cross had made sure that all their own supplies of Christmas cheer were in France by the beginning of December. In addition to the supplies sent to Italy, Salonika and the Middle East, the Red Cross warehouses in Boulogne were stacked high with 40,000 tins of sweets, four tons of Brazil nuts, four tons of filberts, ten tons of almonds, four tons of walnuts, four tons of chestnuts, twelve tons of dried fruit, 40,000 boxes of Christmas crackers, 80,000 Christmas cards and innumerable cases of coloured paper garlands to decorate hospital uards and Mess huts for the festive season. Just before Christmas, boatloads of chickens and turkeys arrived in France, plus a mammoth consignment of 25,000 Christmas puddings, which had been lovingly prepared by hundreds of voluntary groups throughout the country who had willingly sacrificed their ration of sugar and a quantity of precious dried fruit to ensure that the boys had a proper Christmas dinner. Most of the puddings were stuffed as full of lucky sixpences as they were with hoarded raisins, and were rnixed with libations of stout or brandy.

It took all the considerable organizational powers of the Red Cross and a large slice of the resources of the Army Transport Corps to distribute, across the length and breadth of the Western Front, the largesse that came from every quarter of the globe. From America there was a shipment of beef; from South Africa, a boatload of grapes, peaches and nectarines; from Canada, 10,000 cases of red apples; and from Australia, a towering mountain of 'billy-cans' packed with comforts and goodies for the Aussies.

By 1917 the 'Christmas billies' had become a tradition. Back home in Australia, volunteers started packing them in August. Each community undertook to supply a certain number, filling each one with oddments of their own choice, and sent them in good time to a central depot from which they were shipped on to Australian soldiers overseas. It was a charming as well as a practical idea. The billy-cans themselves, as Australian as the strains of 'Waltzing Matilda', spoke of Home to the soldiers far away; when empty they were useful items to have on active service, and they were sturdy enough to be shipped without any further wrapping. They also held a surprising amount- chocolate, tobacco, cigarettes, sweets, a pipe, razor blades, soap, concentrated beef cubes notebooks, writing pads, candles, toffee, sardines, potted meat, socks and mittens (or at least a fair selection of these items) could all be stuffed in. All of them contained a different assortment, but the universal verdict was that they were 'Bonzo'.

The exception was the unfortunate Aussie who was particularly pleased to find in his billy-can a pair of socks knitted in the finest wool, and donned them for a long march. Within half an hour he was limping badly, and at the first rest stop removed his boots to look for the trouble. There were no protruding nails, nothing to be seen. The march continued, and by the time it ended the man was practically crippled by a mammoth blister on his foot. He found some water in which to bathe it, and when he pulled off the sock to immerse his foot in the soothing bath, to the ribald amusement of his comrades a small scrap of paper fell to the floor. On it was written in a shaky hand, 'God bless you, My Dear Boy.' It was fortunate that the kindly donor was unable to hear her Dear Boy's reaction.

The Senior Subaltern

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EST
Monday, 23 December 2013

Lord Ashcroft's VCs
Topic: Medals

Lord Ashcroft's VCs

The Victoria Cross (VC) collection assembled by Lord Ashcroft went live on line on 11 Nov 2013.

Situated at the Imperial War Museum London, the Extraordinary Heroes exhibition containing Lord Ashcroft's unrivalled collection of Victoria Crosses is the largest in the world.

Among the Ashcroft collection reside four Canadian Victoria Crosses:

For further information on the Extraordinary Heroes exhibition at the Lord Ashcroft Gallery visit:

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 14 December 2013 5:24 PM EST
Sunday, 22 December 2013

Martini Henry Prize Rifles (1872)
Topic: Canadian Militia

Martini Henry Prize Rifles (1872)

Militia General Orders

Head Quarters,
Ottawa, 23rd July, 1872.

General Order (21).

His Excellency The Governor General has much pleasure in directing the publication in General Orders of the receipt of Twenty "Martini Henry" Rifles with 10,000 rounds of Ammunition, valued at £200 Sterling, being the result of a collection made under the auspices of His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge and the Right Honorable the Lord Mayor of London, England, and a Committee of distinguished Noblemen and Gentlemen during the Mayoralty of Alderman Besley, as a testimonial "to mark the feeling entertained towards the Canadian Active Militia for the loyalty and valour displayed by them in repelling Fenian attacks on the Dominion."

With a view of carrying out the wishes of the Committee, as expressed through the Right Honorable the Lord Mayor, these Rifles, with the proportion of Ammunition, will be offered as Prizes to be competed for by the Active Militia in the several Provinces during the Autumnal Meetings of the Provincial Rifle Associations for 1872, except in so far as relates to Manitoba and British Columbia, regarding which further instructions will be given.

The distribution will be made in the following proportions:

Ontario63,000 Rds
Nova Scotia31,500
B. Columbia21,000

Subject to the following conditions:

1st. To be open to competition by Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and men of the Active Militia of the respective Provinces only, who are now bonâ fide members of the Force, and have been so for at least one year immediately previous to the 1st July, 1872, and who can be certified to as having performed the Annual Drill for that year, and who have also passed through the prescribed course of Target Practice. Also to such as were bonâ fide members of the Active Militia for the year 1870, and have since retired therefrom.

2nd. Snider Rifles only to be used in this competition. Ranges to be 200, 500 and 600 yards, 5 shots at each range.

Returns of names of winners with detail scores of each to be sent to the Adjutant General at Head Quarters, at the termination of each competition.

By Command of His Excellency the Governor General.
Deputy Adjutant-General of Militia,

Unfortunately, the Canada Gazette does not reveal who might have wone these prize rifles in each of the Provinces.

Canadian Army Battle Honours

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EST
Saturday, 21 December 2013

The Infantry School Corps
Topic: The RCR

The Infantry School Corps

The Canada Gazette, 21st December, 1883

The formation of three Schools of Infantry having been authorized, the requisite number of militiamen will be enrolled, and formed into one corps to be known as the Infantry School Corps.

The following Officers are appointed to the corps:

  • Lieutenant-Colonel George J. Maunsell, from Deputy Adjutant General Military District No 4.
  • Lieutenant-Colonel Gustave D'0. D'Orsonnens, from Brigade Major 7th and 8th Brigade Divisions, Que.
  • Lieutenant-Colonel William Dillon Otter, from 2nd Battalion, Queen's Own Rifles of Canada.

To be Captains:

  • Major William Dunlop Gordon, from 14th Battalion.
  • Major Beaufort Henry Vidal, from 12th Battalion.
  • Captain and Major Henry Smith, from Adjutant 40th Battalion.

To be Lieutenants:

  • Captain Charles J. Coursol, from 65th Battalion.
  • Lieutenant Henry Cortlandt Freer, (R.M.C.), H.M.'s. South Staffordshire Regiment.
  • Lieutenant James Walker-Sears (R.M.C.), Lieutenant H.M.'s South Staffordshire Regiment.
  • Lieutenant David Douglas Young.
  • Lieutenant Thomas D.R.Hemming.
  • Lieutenant Robinson Lyndhurst Wadmore

Memo.---Lieutenant Henry Cortlandt Freer takes rank in the Militia from 30th June 1880, the date of his graduating R.M.C.

The Infantry Schools will be established as follows until further orders:

  • At Fredericton, N.B., for the Maritime Provinces, under Lieutenant Colonel Maunsell, Commandant.
  • At St. Johns, Que., for the Province of Quebec, under lieutenant Colonel d'Orsonnens, Commandant.
  • At Toronto, Out., for the Province of Ontario, and under Lieutenant Colonel Otter, Commandant.

The Commandants will report direct to Head Quarters.

And, to toast the good health of the Regiment:

The Ortona Toast Recipe

The Royal Canadian Regiment Museum

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 4 December 2017 2:52 PM EST
Friday, 20 December 2013

The Albert Medal
Topic: Medals

The Albert Medal
Awards to Canadians in the Great War

The Albert Medal was authorized by her Majesty Queen Victoria on 12 March, 1866, and published in the London Gazette the following day. Named for the Queen's late husband, the Albert Medal was originally instituted to reward those who:

"…have, in saving, or endeavouring to save, the lives of others from shipwreck or other peril of the sea, endangered their own lives; and that such award shall be made only on a recommendation to Us by the President of the Board of Trade."

Undergoing a series of amenedments, the Albert Medal was later awarded in two classes, and life-saving acts on land became eligible. As a result, two Canadian soldiers serving overseas during the First World War received the ALbert Medal.

Corporal Percy Fairborn Annis

The Edinburgh Gazette, January 8, 1918

Whitehall, January 1, 1918.

The KING has been graciously pleased to award the Decoration of the Albert Medal to the undermentioned Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers of His Majesty's Forces serving in France or elsewhere in recognition of their gallantry in saving life:—

Corporal Percy Fairborn Annis, Canadian Infantry.

On the 23rd December 1915 Annis was instructing a class in the use of the trench catapult, when a lighted bomb fell from the catapult into the trench. Annis at once picked up the bomb and threw it away.

On the 11th February 1916, on a similar occasion, the catapult failed to act properly, with the result that the bomb was thrown only a short distance, and fell close to another party under instruction. Annis at once ran out to pick up the bomb. The bomb exploded just as he reached it and wounded him.

Sergeant Victor Brooks

The Edinburgh Gazette, November 12, 1918.

Whitehall, 6th November 1918.

The KING, has been, pleased to award the Albert Medal to Lieutenant-Colonel (Temporary Brigadier-General) Alfred Burt, D.S.O., and Sergeant Victor Brooks, Canadian Cavalry Field Ambulance; and (posthumous awards), to Private Arthur Johnson and Driver Alfred Horn, late of the Army Service Corps, in recognition of their gallantry in saving or endeavouring to save life in France in June last. The circumstances are as follows:—

On the 30th June 1918 a Corporal of the Royal Air Force, who had been lowered by a rope into a crater caused by a bomb which had been dropped by a hostile aeroplane, was overcome by carbon monoxide gas, which had accumulated in large quantities in the crater. Endeavours were made to haul him out, but his head became caught, and Private Johnson volunteered to descend and re-adjust the rope, which he did successfully, and the Corporal was rescued, but Johnson was him- self overcome. Driver Horn at once put on his respirator and lowered himself to the rescue, but was likewise overcome. Sergeant Brooks then volunteered to attempt to rescue both men, but was also overcome by the gas; fortunately he was hauled out. At this stage, Brigadier General Burt refused to permit anyone else to descend, but did so himself, and succeeded in dragging one of the unconscious men some way towards the rope; he, however, became unconscious and had to be pulled out. There can be no doubt that all knew the risk that they were running, and willingly incurred it in the hope of saving life.

Researching Canadian Soldiers of the First World War

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EST

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