Topic: Canadian Militia
Adjutant General's Office, Toronto, 5th May, 1859
Militia General Orders – Active Force
The several Corps of the Active Force of the Province will assemble at noon on the 24th instant, Her Majesty's Birthday, and fire a Feu de Joie.
1. With reference to section Four of the new Militia Act, intituled, An Act to amend and make permanent the Laws relating to the Militia of this Province, Hi Excellency the Right Honorable the Governor General and Commander in Chief, requests Officers commanding Corps of the Active Force, class A, to go through the Drill therein authorized for the present year at such time as may be most convenient to the several Corps.
The number of days drill for which payment is allowed for the present year, under the provisions of said Act, are detailed in section Four aforesaid, which is herewith subjoined for general information, viz.:
"The Volunteer Militia Companies shall be drilled and exercised at such time in each year and at such places as the Commander in Chief may from time to time appoint; the Volunteer Field Batteries being so drilled and exercised during twelve days in each year, of which at least six days shall be consecutive, and the other Volunteer Corps once in each year during six consecutive days, (Sundays not reckoned in either case,) and the Companies under drill being encamped during the whole or any part of the period for drill, if the Commander in Chief sees fit; provided that, inclusive of the pay for the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, and annually hereafter, the money to be paid for pay for each day on which Companies shall be so drilled, shall be paid only in the month of December of each year, and upon the Pay List and affidavit thereto being duly furnished to the Adjutant General as hereinafter required."
The Second clause of section Seven of the Act aforesaid, relating to the pay of the Volunteer Force for the present year, is also herewith subjoined for general information, viz.:
"For the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, the non-commissioned officers and men of Class A shall be paid for each days actual and bonâ fide drill the sum of one dollar, and for each horse actually and necessarily present and used for such drill, and belong to or used by such non-commissioned officers or men, the further sum of one dollar per diem."
The numbers of men and horses included in the Pay List for the present year, are not to exceed those previously authorized for the several Corps, exclusive of the Drill Instructors.
2. It must be distinctly understood that those Volunteer Corps who may have already performed their Drill for 1859, subject to the vote of Parliament for the payment thereof, can only receive the amount voted by Parliament, viz, six days pay under the provisions of section Four as aforesaid.
3. A copy of the new Law will be forwarded to all Commanding Officers for their information and guidance as soon as possible, and duplicate Pay Lists will also be sent as soon as they are printed.
4. The several Corps of the Active Force of the Province will assemble at noon on the 24th instant, Her Majesty's Birthday, and fire a Feu de Joie in the manner prescribed by the General Order of the 5th May, 1857.
At the Garrisons of Montreal, Quebec, and Kingston, the Corps of the Active Force will act in conjunction with Her Majesty's Troops in case the Officers commanding the Garrisons at those stations should desire such co-operation; and the Officers in command of Corps of the Volunteer Force will place themselves in communication with the Officers commanding Her Majesty's Troops for that purpose.
5. It having been brought to the notice of the Commander in Chief that the Muzzles of some of the Rifled Muskets belonging to certain Volunteer Corps have coarsely filed on the outside to enable the bayonets to slip on more easily, and that the Nipples of some of the said Muskets have also been filed and altered, His Excellency hereby expressly forbids such practices and will hold Commanding Officers of Corps responsible for the due observance of this order; and in the event of the Arms of Accoutrements requiring to be repaired at any time, such repairs must be effected by a competent Tradesman.
By Command of His Excellency the Right Honourable the Governor General and Commander in Chief.
D. Macdonnell,
A. de Salaberry, Lt. Col.