Topic: Canadian Militia
Travel by Railway and Steamboat, Canadian Militia (1868)
Canadian Volunteer's Hand Book for Field Service, compiled by Major T.C. Scoble, 37th Battalion (Haldimand Rifles), C. V. M., 1868
Any spirituous liquors in possession of the men to be taken away and destroyed. The men should have been forbidden to take any liquor with them before starting.
When travelling by Railroad.
Battalions embarking on the railroad should form line fronting towards the train, each company being immediately opposite the car which they are intended to occupy, and on the command being given, should file in from both flanks; advancing arms if infantry, shouldering if rifles. The flank men should proceed to the middle of the car and take their seats in an orderly manner. In disembarking the men nearest the door, will be the first to leave, and will be instructed to take their proper places on the platform at once. A non-commissioned officer should be stationed at each door, who will prevent any man standing on the platform of the car, or leaving it at any stopping-places.
Officers should always be in the car containing their companies.
No men are to be allowed to get out of the carriages during a railroad journey except by special permission; or to get off a steamer at intermediate landing places.
The officer commanding is to see that the railroad cars are provided with ample supply of drinking water.
When travelling by Steamboat
The men should embark or disembark in a systematic and orderly manner. The men going on board should be at once marched away from the gangways and form up on deck, no man being allowed to leave the ranks until all are on board. They may then be permitted to pile arms, or place them in some safe place with their accoutrements, where all can be kept together, and a guard mounted over them, care must be taken that ammunition is placed in safety, with a sentinel mounted over it.
Any spirituous liquors in possession of the men to be taken away and destroyed. The men should have been forbidden to take any liquor with them before starting.
In steamers, no man should be allowed to tipple at the bar and a non-commissioned officer should be placed over the bar to prevent it.
The officers should constantly go among the men during a railway or steamboat journey, to attend to their wants, and to enforce orderly behaviour ; and during night journeys at least one officer per company should always be up, in addition to the officer detailed for duty, and visit the men frequently.
Complaints have been frequent that volunteers travelling by railway have committed wanton damages to the cars. It is certainly in the power of an attentive officer to prevent this. The commanding officer should observe the condition of the cars before entering, and again immediately before leaving. If auy damage has been committed, the station master should be requested to assess it, and if the individuals who have committed are not known: it must be charged against the pay of the company occupying the car. Before entering the car, men should be warned of this regulation.
If the officer commanding troops moved by railway or steamboat is not provided with a regular transport requisition, be will give the conductor, or purser, a voucher for the service performed, specifying the place and hour of departure, and stating the number of officers and men conveyed." — Regulations respecting Volunteer Militia.