Extracts from the Constitution and By-Laws of the Mayflower Company, Co. B, 63rd Halifax Rifles
Constitution and By-Laws of the Mayflower Company
Co. B, 63rd Halifax Rifles
H. Hechler, Captain
Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1894
Article 1
The Company shall be known by the names of the "Mayflower Company, Co. B, 63rd Halifax Rifles."
Article II
The Company shall be commanded by such officers as the Dominion regulations allow.
Article III
The Captain shall have the entire Military control of the Company, and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. he shall conduct all communications with Head Quarters; but nothing shall be done by him which may in any way affect the interests of the Company, except with the approval of the other officers.
Article IV
The management of the financial and non-military affairs of the Company shall be vested in a committee of six, to be elected from the active members of the Company as hereinafter provided. There shall also be a Treasurer (an officer or non-commissioned officer) and Secretary and an Auditing Committee of Two.
Section I
At the meetings of the Company the Captain shall preside, and in his absence the next senior officer. 12 members shall form a quorum.
Section IV
The junior commissioned officer shall be elected by ballot and shall have a majority of the votes of the Company. Should no candidate receive the necessary majority of votes at the first ballot, and there should be more than two candidates, the chairman shall throw out the name of the one having the least number of voted and proceed to take a fresh ballot.
Section V
The Lance Corporals shall be elected singly by ballot, as follows: The Captain shall nominate three candidates, and the one receiving the most votes shall be recommended by the Captain for promotion.
Section VI
No person shall be admitted into this Company unless proposed by a member to the Committee of Management, and said committee shall have the power to elect (subject to the approval of the Captain), and any two of the committee voting against a candidate he shall be rejected.
Section XIII
Members who fail to attend half the number of drills up to the date of the annual Company firing; will not be permitted to participate in the prize list.
Section XIV
Any member absenting himself from drill for two months continuously, without leave of absence, shall be specially notified by the Secretary, and if he fails to give a satisfactory explanation within a month he shall be dealt with according to regulations.
Section XVIII
No person shall be eligible for admission as a member of the Company who is less than five feet six inches in height in his stockings.