The Minute Book
Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Canada Day - Harris Park, London, Ontario
Join the London Celebrates Canada festivities in Harris Park, London, Ontario, on Canada Day, 1 July 2013.

Canada Day - Harris Park

Free admission, family friendly, celebration of this great nation and its people.

Festivities include First Nations Gathering, Canada's Birthday Cake, Exhibits honouring Canada's Heroes, Vendors and Community Exhibits, Great Entertainment and Spectacular Fireworks!

Bring a lawn chair!<

Schedule of Events

compass_arrow.jpg Directions to Harris Park

Parking iconDowntown London Parking



Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 20 June 2013 10:47 PM EDT
Monday, 24 June 2013

Wolseley Barracks (1958)
Topic: Wolseley Barracks

With the rebuilding of Wolseley Barracks in London, Ontario, through the 1950s, the base became ready to house a Regular Force battalion of The Royal Canadian Regiment in its new infrastraucture, and would do so until 1992. The image below, from the regimental journal of The Royal Canadian Regiment, The Connecting File, Winter 1958-59, shows the base as it was by 1958/59. (Click on the image for a larger version). Following are an explanation of the names of some of the buildings, this has been transcribed as printed and some fact-checking on details of regimental history are recommended before using them verbatim.


Wolseley Barracks; 1958

Names of Buildings Wolseley Barracks

Listed hereunder are the approved names of the buildings in Wolseley Barracks, these names now being in use, also, the explanation of their origin.

McKenzie Block (No. 1 Barrack Block)

Named after Thomas McKenzie, who was the first recruit in the Infantry School Corps in Jan 7, 1884. He served for 12 years as CSM of "A" Coy with the Corps.

Wellington Block (No. 2 Barrack Block)

Named after Wellington Barracks in Halifax, which was occupied by members of the Regiment from 1900 to 1940.

Stanley Block (No. 3 Barrack Block)

Named after Stanley Barracks in Toronto, which was occupied by members of The Regiment from 1899 to 1950, and was the former location of "B" Coy RCR.

Tecumseh Block (No. 4 Barrack Block)

Named after Tecumseh Barracks, London, Ont., they were the former World War 1 Barracks in London and location of HQ & "C" Coy of the Regiment from after World War 1 until The Regiment moved back into Wolseley Barracks Apr 1923.

St. Jean Block (No. 5 Barrack Block)

Named after Fort St Jean, Quebec, which was the original location of "B" Coy Infantry School Corps, 1884. "D" Coy of The Regiment also moved into the barracks from Montreal in Oct 1925, and remained there until Dec. 1939.

Glacis Building (Lecture & Training Building)

Named after Glacis Barracks, Halifax, NS. These barracks were occupied by members of 3 (Special Service) Bn RCR from 1900 to 1904, and were torn down in 1946.

Gloucestershire Hall (PT & Rec Building)

This gymnasium was thusly named to commemorate our affiliation with The Gloucestershire Regiment.

Victoria Building ( Administrative Building)

Named after Victoria Barracks in Camp Petawawa, Ont., which was occupied by 1 & 2 Bns RCR before their move back to London.

Beaver Hall (Drill Hall)

Since the Beaver is part of our collar badge, and denotes "Work" we feel is is most appropriate for the Drill Hall, in which most of our training is conducted.

New Fort Hall (No. 1 Mess Hall)

Named after New Fort Barracks, which was first occupied by "C" Coy, Toronto, Infantry School Corps, 1 Apr 1884.

Prince of Wales Hall (No. 2 Mess Hall)

Named after Prince of Wales Barracks in Montreal, which was occupied by "D" Coy RCR after World War 1, until their move to St Jean, Que., in 1924. This barracks has since been torn down.

Wolseley Block ("A" Block)

This name was taken from the inscription on the corner stone.

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EDT
Sunday, 23 June 2013

The British Grenadiers
Topic: Martial Music


The British Grenadiers

Some talk of Alexander, and some of Hercules,
Of Conon and Lysander, and some of Meltaidies.
But of all the world's brave heroes, there's none that can compare.

With a tow, row, row, row, row, row,
To the British Grenadiers.

None of those ancient heroes e'er saw a cannon ball,
Or knew the force of powder to slay their foes withal.
But our brave boys do know it, and banish all their fears,

With a tow, row, row, row, row, row,
To the British Grenadiers.

Whene'er we are commanded to storm the palisades,
Our leaders march with fusees, and we with hand grenades.
We throw them from the glacis, about the enemies' ears.

With a tow, row, row, row, row, row,
To the British Grenadiers.

The god of war was pleased and great Bellona smiles,
To see these noble heroes of our British Isles,
And all the gods celestial descending from their spheres Beheld with adoration the British Grenadier.

Then let us crown a bumper, and drink a health to those
Who carry caps and pouches, and wear the loupèd clothes.
May they and their commanders live happy all their years.

With a tow, row, row, row, row, row,
To the British Grenadiers.

These lyrics are the Royal Military School of Music approved version as provided in "History of the marches in Canada" by Jack Kopstein and Ian Pearson, Highnell printing, 1994.

Canadian regiments and corps whose marches include The British Grenadiers:

  • The Royal Canadian Horse Artillery
  • The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery
  • The Canadian Grenadier Guards
  • The Royal Regiment of Canada (followed by "Here's to the Maiden")
  • The Princess Louise Fusiliers
The following units of the Canadian Militia and the CEF which are identified in "The Heritage of Canadian Military Music," by Jack Kopstein and Ian Pearson, Vanwell Publishing, 2002, as having the march "British Grenadiers." The list of names, undoubtedly as found by the authors in different sources, include examples of multiple names for single units throughout their history. (These lists may not be complete.)

Units of the Canadian Militia:

  • 7th Regiment, Fusiliers
  • Canadian Fusiliers (City of London Regiment)
  • 88th Regiment, Victoria Fusiliers
  • Essex Fusiliers
  • Royal Regiment of Toronto Grenadiers
  • Saint John Fusiliers (M.G.)
  • Scottish Fusiliers of Canada
  • Sherbrooke Fusiliers Regiment (CASF)
  • Toronto Regiment
  • West Toronto Regiment
  • Western Ontario Regiment
  • The Winnipeg Grenadiers

Units of the Canadian Expeditionary Force:

  • 3rd Canadian Infantry Battalion, CEF

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EDT
Saturday, 22 June 2013

Cavalry - Training Men, Recruits, and Recruit Officers (1907)
Topic: Drill and Training

Cavalry Training; 1907

S.7. – Training of the Men

To get the greatest value out of your instruction given to the men, the instructor must endeavour both to interest and encourage them.

In the following instructions much has purposely been left to commanders in devising methods. A cut-and-dried system tends to curb initiative on the part of keen officers, whilst with less capable officers it removes all necessity for thinking for themselves.

The soldier must be given a much higher aim than that of merely satisfying the requirements of the drill instructor. He must be encouraged to feel that in perfecting himself as a fighting man he is preparing himself to take part in furthering the aims of his country, and is adding to his chance of gaining personal distinction in the effort. Among soldiers so trained, individuality and self-reliance cam safely be developed without fear of sacrificing discipline. The strongest form of discipline in an army is that which comes from the conception of duty in its noblest form, which is the spirit of loyalty to King and country, self-sacrifice, and implicit obedience to superior leaders.

S.8. – Training of the Recruit

Cavalry recruits are to be exempted from stable and other duties, and will not be allowed to commence riding until they have undergone an uninterrupted course of twelve weeks' physical training. Foot drill and instruction in musketry will also be carried out during this period.

The whole training must be systematic and progressive, and the recruit must receive careful individual instruction in riding, musketry, skill-at-arms, scouting, and drill. In order to develop the intelligence of the recruit, the practical instruction should be varied by frequent lectures on theoretical subjects; during the first three weeks these will be mainly on elementary interior economy, equipment, cleanliness, horse management, discipline and loyalty to both leaders and comrades; subsequently they should be on the work which is being carried out. During this period recruits should be impressed with the fact that their prospects in civil employment after they leave the Army depends on their conduct whilst serving, and that no man can be registered for employment who is not discharged with a good character. The object to be attained by the course of individual instruction is to render the soldier, with his horse, efficient in the ranks, to teach him to use his arms effectively in mounted and dismounted action, and to act independently as a scout, The system of instruction must be governed by the necessity of putting the recruit into the ranks of his troop without undue delay. Young soldiers must, therefore, be associated with their seniors immediately after joining, and begin at once to be trained in their sections in order to obtain the maximum of individual instruction.

The training of the recruit will comprise:—

(a) Physical training.
(b) Foot drill and rifle, sword and lance exercises.
(c) Musketry and skill-at-arms.
(d) Elementary riding instruction and horse management.
(e) Equitation.
(f) Troop drill.

S.9. – The Recruit Officer

Before an officer has been dismissed recruits' drill he will be required to be able to signal by semaphore, ride in the ranks, strip and put together a saddle, correctly saddle, bit, and turn out in marching order a horse, and put together the harness of and to harness a squadron cart. During the first two years of his service an officer will undergo a practical course of instruction in the farrier's shop.

The Senior Subaltern

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EDT
Friday, 21 June 2013

Battlefield Cross; Wesley-Knox United Church, London, Ontario
Topic: CEF

In the sanctuary of the Wesley-Knox United Church in London, Ontario, can be seen the battlefield grave maker for 654306 Lance-Corporal Thomas Harold Inman Wilkinson. These wooden markers were placed by grave registration units and later replaced by the stone markers erected by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

Thomas Wilkinson was serving in the Canadian Expeditionary Force with the 58th Canadian Infantry Battalion when he was killed in action on 29 August 1918.

Accompanying the cross is the Memorial Plaque sent to his family after the war. A dedication plate mounted beside the cross and Memorial Plaque reads:

"This Cross if from the Grave of L/Cpl Thomas Harold Inman Wilkinson. Born in 1897. Killed in Action in Battle of Arras, August 27, 1918. Placed in Centennial United Church in 1930 by his Parents Mary and William Wilkinson, Members of the Congregation."

In 2006, Centennial United Church and Wesley-Knox United Church amalgamated, and the Cross was moved to its current home.

Researching Canadian Soldiers of the First World War

The availability of increasing amounts of information on the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) and its soldiers lets us complete some initial research into Wilkinson's service.

From the Library and Archives Canada database for Soldiers of the First World War – CEF, we can find Wilkinson's entry, which reveals his Attestation Paper, and the file reference for ordering his service record.

  • Regimental number(s): 654306
  • Reference: RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 10372 - 29
  • Date of Birth: 15/06/1897
front back

Thomas Wilkinson's Attestation Paper, signed on enlistment for overseas service in the Canadian Expeditionary Force.
(Cick images for full size.)

The Canadian Virtual War Memorial, operated by Veterans Affairs Canada, also has a page dedicated to Wilkinson. This page also leads to an image of the page of the Books of Remembrance on which his name is inscribed.

We can also find Wilkinson in the collection at Library and Archives Canada known as the Commonwealth War Graves Registers. These are the records of the burials, and reburials as required, of each soldier whose body was recovered and moved to one of the Commonwealth War Graves Cemeteries.

front back

Commonwealth War Graves Register for Thomas Wilkinson.
(Cick images for full size.)

In order to dig into the circumstances surrounding a soldier of the First World War, Library and Archives Canada offers the daily record maintained by each unit of the CEF, the War Diaries. discover what the unit was doing at the time. The War Diary of the 58th Canadian Infantry Battalion records the activities of the unit but, as with most unit War Diaries, rarely makes mention of individual soldiers by name.

58th Cdn Inf Bn War Diary 58th Cdn Inf Bn War Diary

Pages from the War Diary of the 58th Canadian Infantry Battalion, covering the dates 27-31 August 1918.
(Cick images for full size.)

Researching Canadian Soldiers of the First World War

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EDT
Thursday, 20 June 2013

Competition for Gzowski Cup (1889)
Topic: Canadian Militia

Field Batteries

Competition for Gzowski Cup (1889)

To be competed for on parade during annual drill by the four sub-divisions of the Battery. the prizes to be awarded to the Batteries performing the conditions in the shoertest average time.


Nine-pounder and limber, four horses. Four detachments each to consist of 1 N.-C. Officer (mounted), 6 Gunners, 2 Drivers. Field day order.

Detachment to be in order of march. No. 1 and Drivers—stand to their horses.

1.Gunners and Drivers prepare to mount. Mount.
2.Forward at a trot. march. Left incline. Left-shoulders. Forward. Left-shoulders. Forward. Left incline. halt.

The run to be taken round two pickets, each 30 yards from the leaders, and 30 yards apart, and back again to original ground.

4.Load with drill cartridge and fire one round with friction tube.
5.Cease firing. Rear limber up.
6.Gunners prepare to mount. Mount.
7.Forward at a trot. March. Gun to be taken straight through two pickets, 3 feet high, 40 yards distant, and 6 feet 8 inches apart—as soon as 15 yards clear then:–
8.Halt. Action rear.
9.Load with a second drill cartridge and fire one round.
10.Front limber up. Form the order of march. Halt.

Cartridges are to be taken separately from the limber box by No. 7.
Ammunition not to be carried.
For striking any of the pickets 5 seconds to be added to the total time.
For any faults of mistakes in drill as judged by Umpire—5 seconds to be added for each.
Umpire's decision to be final. No appeal.


1st. — Gzowski Challenge Cup and $35.
2nd. — $25.
3rd. — $15.

By order,

J.B. Donaldson, Captain,
Secretary Treasurer.

Ottawa, 25th April, 1889.

Montreal Field Battery Inspection

The image above and at the top of the article are reproduced from The Dominion Illustrated published 8 Aug 1881

The Montreal Field Battery, one of the finest in Canada, in camp on St. Helen's Island in the latter part of June, was inspected June 30th by Lieut.-Col. C.E. Montizambert, artillery inspector of the province. The day was hot and rendered active exercise anything but desirable; yet the battery men acquitted themselves in the most satisfactory manner. The men fell in at 10.30 a.m., and marched out upon the parade ground, receiving the inspecting officer with a general salute. the battery was manoeuvred by Major hall, Capt. Hooper, and lieutenants Costigan and Benyon. The march past was excellently done, the sword exercise well executed, and the going into action and retiring by alternate half batteries carried out in a manner that won high praise. After the non com's had been examined by the inspector with most gratifying results, the battery was put through the "Gzowski trial" in subdivisions, the average time being less than 2:46—a credible showing with comparatively untrained horses. the time was taken by Col. Houghton, D.A.G., and Col. Stevenson. After dinner the tents, equipage, etc., were inspected, and at the close the inspecting officer expressed himself highly gratified with the drill, discipline and efficiency of the battery. - The Dominion Illustrated; 8 Aug 1881.

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EDT
Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Defending Halifax: The Point Pleasant Batteries
Topic: Halifax

Prince of Wales Tower. For a sense of scale, note the starway on the lft side of the tower.


Although Halifax, Nova Scotia, was never attacked or the defences of the Citadel tested, it is the outlying fortifications that both make that prospect even more challenging to prospective attacker and show the most likely approaches that would have been taken. The Citadel is a Vauban style star fort and would have been attacked in a set piece siege to approach and sufficiently destroy its battlements for an assault.

The likeliness of congestion in the main harbour from burning ships and damaged docksides, the steep approach through the town and being under the guns of the fortress make that approach an undesirable on for an attacker. The alternatives, therefore, would be landing on Point Pleasant, or from within the Northwest Arm, the latter offering a shorter distance to move one's siege artillery. While the guns of the Citadel, as late as the 1860s rearmament, could not directly cover these approaches and landing areas, the strength of the outlying batteries, particularly in Point Pleasant itself still made this course of action a daunting task.

The map at right shows the relative areas of effective coverage of smooth bore cannons in the Citadel and outlying batteries circa 1860s. The approach up the North West Arm to assault to Citadel from landward is an obvious course of action and shows the necessity of defending not only the southern end of the Halifax Peninsula but also blocking entry into the Arm. (this map and ordnance figures below are taken from "Defending Halifax: Ordnance, 1825-1906," Parks Canada #46, History and Archaeology, 1981.

As a result, other than the heaby armament of the Citadel itself, Point Pleasant became the most heavily defended locality in the Fortress system, with the following batteries established:

In 1861, mounted ordnance in the Point Pleasant batteries was as follows:

  • Point Pleasant Battery – 10 x 32-pounder cannon, 1 x 12-pounder
  • North West Arm Battery – 4 x 32-pounder cannon, 3 x 18-pounder
  • Fort Ogilvie – 6 x 32-pounder cannon
  • Prince of Wales Tower – 2 x 24-pounder cannon

Prince of Wales Tower, commonly known as the Martello Tower after its style of construction, was the central battery in Point Pleasant and as the coverage drawing above shows, provided supporting fire to each of the other batteries. This defence in depth ensured that Point Pleasant would be a hard fought set of defences, anchoring the Citadel's outer batteries and making any enemy lodgment on the Peninsula a hard won achievement. In varying states of decay, each of the Point Pleasant battery locations can still be explored by visitors to Point Pleasant Park.

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EDT
Tuesday, 18 June 2013

ENTAC Anti-Tank Guided Missile
Topic: Cold War

ENTAC Anti-Tank Guided Missile

Recruiters' Info Card

The ENTAC anti-tank guided missile (Engin Téléguidé Antichar) provides reconnaissance units ad infantry with a capacity of destroying enemy armour at ranges up to 2000 metres. It is a self-propelled roll stabilized, wire guided missile with solid propellant propulsion. The 27-pound Missile is guided to its target by a "pilot" using a "joystick."

Canada's early use of anti-tank guided missiles included the French designed and manufactured ENTAC. Developed in the 1950s, Canada placed an order in 1959, with delivery from 1960 to 1963 of approximately 2000 missiles.

The ENTAC missile system was deployed by Canada mounted on the Ferret Scout Car and the M38A1 Canadian Jeep. The ENTAC was deployed in combination with 106 mm recoilless rifles and SS11B anti-tank guided missiles.

  • Cutaway model – Smithsonian; National Air and Space Museum
  • Flight International, Nov 1962, article AntiTank

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EDT
Monday, 17 June 2013

Militia Act 1855; The Sedentary Militia
Topic: Canadian Militia

An Act to Regulate the Militia of this Province, and to repeal the Acts now in force for that purpose.

The "Militia Act" of 1855; assented to 19th May, 1855.

From the Militia Act of 1855 for the Province of Canada (consisting of the combined provinces of Upper Canada and Lower Canada), comes this description of the Sedentary Militia. As the Act shows, while being mustered for the Sedentary Militia may have been compulsory (para IV), actual service if called up was not necessarily so (para VIII).

Sedentary Militia

IV.The Sedentary Militia shall consist of all the male inhabitants of the Province of the age of eighteen years or upwards and under sixty, not exempted or disqualified by law.
V.The Sedentary Militiamen shall be divided into two classes, to be called respectively Service men and Reserve men; the Service men shall be those of eighteen years of age and upwards, but under forty years, and the Reserve men shall be those of forty years of age and upwards, but under sixty.
VI.In time of peace, no actual service or drill shall be required of the Sedentary Militia, but they shall be carefully enrolled from time to time; and the Service men not exempted from muster, shall also assemble for muster annually, at such place and hour, in such manner and for such purposes, as the Commanding Officer of each battalion shall direct with respect to each Company therein; the muster day being in Lower Canada the twenty-ninth of June, and in Upper Canada the Queen's Birthday, or of that fall on a Sunday, then the day next thereafter.

The following persons only between the ages of eighteen and sixty as aforesaid, shall be exempt from enrolment and from actual service in any case:

  • The Judges of the Superior Courts of Law or Equity in Upper and Lower Canada;
  • The Judge of the Court of Vice-Admiralty;
  • The Judges of the Circuit and County Courts;
  • The Clergy and Ministers of all Religious denominations;
  • The Professors in any College or University, and all teachers in religious orders;
  • The Warden, Keepers and Guards of the Provincial Penitentiary;

And the following, though enrolled, shall be exempt from attending muster and from actual service at any time except in the case of was, invasion or insurrection:

  • The Reserve Men;
  • The Members of the Executive and Legislative Councils;
  • The Members of the Legislative Assembly;
  • The Officers of said Councils and Assembly respectively;
  • The Attorneys and Solicitors General;
  • All Civil Officers who shall have been appointed to any Civil Office in this Province under the Great Seal;
  • All persons lawfully authorized to practice Physic or Surgery;
  • All Advocates, Barristers, Solicitors and Attorneys;
  • Notaries in Lower Canada;
  • Half-Pay and Retired Officers of Her Majesty's Army or Navy;
  • Postmasters and Mail Carriers;
  • Seafaring Men actually employed in their calling;
  • Masters of Public and Common Schools actually engaged in their teaching;
  • Ferrymen;
  • One Miller for each run of stones in every Grist Mill;
  • Keepers of public Toll-Gates;
  • Lock Masters and Labourers employed in attending to Locks and Bridges on Public Canals;
  • The Engine Drivers, Conductors and Switchmen connected with several Railways actually in use in this Province;
  • Members of Fire Companies and of Hook and Ladder Companies;
  • Jailors, Constables and Officers of Courts of Justice, not being such solely by virtue of their being non-commissioned Officers of Militia;
  • Students attending Seminaries, Colleges, Schools and Academies, who have been attending such at least six months previous to the time at which they claim such exemption; All persons disabled by bodily infirmity.

All persons bearing Certificates from the Society of Quakers, Mennonists and Tunkers, or any Inhabitant of this Province, of any Religious denomination, other subject to Military duty in time ofvictoria day peace, but who from the doctrines of his Religion, shall be averse to bearing arms, and shall refuse personal Military Service, shall be exempt therefrom.

But such exemption shall not prevent any person from serving or holding a Commission in the Militia, if he desire it and be not disabled by bodily infirmity. And no such person shall have the benefit of such exemption unless he shall, at least one month before he shall claim such benefit, have filed his claim thereto, with his affidavit before some Magistrate of the facts on which he rests his claim, with the Commanding Officer of the Company within the limits whereof he resides. And whenever exemption is claimed, whether on the ground of age or otherwise, the burden of proof shall always be with the claimant.

VIII.With a view to actual service in case of war, invasion or insurrection, the Service men shall be divided into two classes, to be called respectively, first class Service men, and second class Service men; the first class to consist of unmarried men and widowers without children, and the second class to consist of married men and widowers with children.
IX.When the Sedentary Militia are called out in case of war, invasion or insurrection, those first taken for actual service, shall be volunteers from the Service men, then the first class Service men, then the second class Service men, and lastly the Reserve men.
X.The Commander in Chief shall have power from time to time, by any Militia General Order, to divide the Province into eighteen Military Districts, to be designated as he shall see fit, nine to be in Upper Canada and nine in Lower Canada.
XI.The Commander in Chief shall have power from time to time, by any Militia General Order, to divide the Military Districts respectively into Regimental divisions, and the Regimental divisions into Battalion divisions, and to designate such divisions by such names or numbers as he shall see fit.
XII.The Militiamen resident within each Battalion division shall form a Battalion of the Regiment of the Regimental division in which it lies, and all Battalions in any Regimental division shall form the Regiment thereof.
XIII.To each Military District a Colonel shall be appointed who shall command the Militia in such District, and to each Battalion and Lieutenant Colonel, and such number of Majors and Regimental Staff Officers as may be deemed necessary.
XIV.Each Lieutenant Colonel shall have power, by any order made with the approval of the Colonel of the Military District, from time to time to divide his Battalion division into Company divisions, each containing, as nearly as may be conveniently practicable, not less than fifty nor more than seventy-five resident Service men; and the Militiamen resident within each Company division shall form a Company of the Battalion.
XV.All now existing Militia divisions shall remain in force until altered as aforesaid, and such of them as shall be allowed to remain unaltered shall be held to have been made by the proper authority under this Act, and for the purposes thereof.
XVI.To each Company of Militia there shall be appointed of Commissioned Officers, a Captain, a Lieutenant, and an Ensign; and of non-commissioned Officers, three Sergeants and three Corporals.
XVII.The enrolment of the Sedentary Militia shall be made in each Company division by the Captain thereof, with the assistance of the Officers and non-commissioned Officers of the Company; and it shall be the duty of the Captain, and, under his orders, of the other Officers and non-commissioned Officers of the Company, by actual enquiry at each house in the Company division, and by every other means in their power, to make and keep at all times a correct Roll of the Company in such form as shall be directed by the Adjutant General.
XVIII.It shall be the duty of each man liable under this act to be enrolled in any Company, and not so enrolled, to give in his name, age and place of residence, in writing, to the Captain or Officer commanding such Company, within twenty days after he shall become so liable, whether by passing of this Act, the alteration of any Militia division, change of residence, or otherwise howsoever.
XIX.The Officer commanding a Sedentary Company of the Militia shall, with twenty days after the annual muster day for such Company, make out a corrected roll thereof, and transmit a certified copy thereof to the Officer commanding the Battalion, who, within forty days after such muster, shall forward a correct Return of the Battalion under his command to the Assistant Adjutant General of Military District, to be laid before the Colonel commanding the same; and the said Return shall then be transmitted by the Assistant Adjutant General, under the orders of said Colonel, to the Adjutant General at Head Quarters.
XX.Each Company Roll shall be corrected from time to time as changes occur which affect it; and every householder and resident in the Company division, and every Assessor, Town Clerk, or other Municipal Officer, shall be at all times bound to give to the Commanding Officer or any officer of non-commissioned Officer of the Company, such information as may be required to make such corrections, and to answer all such questions as any of them may pertinently put to him for the purpose of obtaining such information; and every Militiaman shall be bound to inform the Officer commanding the Company, in writing, of any change of residence or other circumstances affecting such Militiaman, by which Roll of any Company shall be affected, whether such Militiaman shall come into or leave the Company division for which the Roll is made.

The Senior Subaltern


Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EDT
Sunday, 16 June 2013

Military Moustaches Revisited
Topic: Tradition

When I published an earlier blog post on Military Moustaches, one friend commented that it seemed incomplete. Perhaps Major Edwards felt the same way, for he revisited the topic in his 1954 volume "Military Customs" and expanded on it.

Military Customs

By Major T.J. Edward, M.B.E., F.R.Hist.S.
Fourth Edition, 1954, Gale & Polden, Ltd., Aldershot


On the catalogue of facial ornaments the "military moustache" has a definite place. Unlike the "Charlie Chaplin," however, it did not suddenly spring into existence, but has come down to us through a hundred and fifty years of change. The original purpose of the moustache was to give the warrior a ferocious appearance and with this intention they were first worn by Hungarian Hussars of the eighteenth century. These moustaches appear to have been of the ragged, bristling, "walrus" type, and in their native, unkempt state needed little encouragement to add an element of frightfulness to an already fierce expression. So effective were these moustaches in daunting the foe that when hussars were introduced into the French Army, every hussar had to cultivate one. If an unfortunate hussar could not raise any hair at all, or could only manage something below the recognized "offensive" standard, he had to paint one on his face, usually with blacking. Apropos this, Baron de Marbot, the well-known French military writer of the last century, tells us in his memoirs that this practice proved very unpleasant in hot weather, because the sun would dry up the moisture in the blacking and this drew up the skin in a painful manner. Marbot also records that the French General Macard used to say, "Look here!, I'm going to dress like a beast," and forthwith stripped off as much clothing as possible and went into battle showing a shaggy head, face and body.

This facial ornament has a real significance in the French Army; in fact the nickname for a French soldier is "Poilu," which means a so1dier who has let his beard, and presumably his moustache, grow. As French soldiers did not shave on campaigns, a "beaver" plus "walrus" was an obvious indication that the wearer had just "returned from the wars." The British soldier of Peninsular and Waterloo days scraped his upper lip, but immediately after that campaign, moustaches began to appear in the British ranks, no doubt due to contact with continental troops in Paris during the occupation. In the early part of the last century there seems to have been some uncertainty about the orders governing the wearing of moustaches, as shown by the following Memorandum of 11th February, 1828, from the Adjutant-General (Sir Henry Torrens), reproduced in the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, Vol. XXII, p. 305:–

"The practice of wearing moustachios is now growing into very genera1 extent throughout the Service. There never was any precise Order or Regulation under which this habit was permitted, even in the Hussars. But a kind of understanding has existed, that it was tolerated by the permission of authority, in that description of Force. Mustachios have been adopted in the Lancer Corps and gradually throughout all the Regiments of Dragoons. I do not believe that any Regiment of Cavalry is now without them. This practice is extending to the Infantry. When I was in Dublin four years ago, it was attempted by the 23rd Fusiliers, and by my interference was put down. But that corps shortly afterwards embarked for Gibraltar, and it immediately adopted mustachios, from having found some Corps in that Garrison wearing it. Since then I have understood that the practice is general in that Garrison. The 7th Fusiliers wear the mustachios. It was adopted in the Rifle Brigade, and I believe in a great many other Corps in the Mediterranean without orders or authority. It is un-English and a hindrance to recruiting."

In 1830, however, an order was issued forbidding the growing of moustachios except by Household Cavalry and Hussars. This order was published on 2nd August, 1830, and on the 29th of the same month the Officer commanding the 2nd or Royal North British Dragoons (now The Royal Scots Greys) submitted a request to Lord Hill, the Commander-in-Chief, for permission for his regiment to continue the wearing of moustaches. There is quiet humour in the Adjutant-General's reply, dated Horse Guards, 27th August, 1830, for one paragraph reads:–

"Lord Hill is persuaded that the distinguished character of the Royal North British Dragoons can derive no additional weight from the wearing of moustachios."

From a postscript to the letter of the Adjutant-General it Iooks as though Lord Hill had been turning the matter over in his mind, for we find:–

"P.S.-Could the moustachio have been considered in any way a National Distinction, Lord Hill might have been induced to recommend the continuance of it by the Royal North British Dragoons, hut as the case is quite the contrary, his Lordship sees no ground on which he could approach His Majesty on the subject."

After that The Greys had to scrape their upper lips. In 1839, however, they renewed their request, but Lord Hill was still Commander-in-Chief and John MacDonald was still Adjutant-General, and the answer was the same as nine years previously.

With the coming of the Crimean War in 1854, the wearing of moustaches became optional. The Horse Guards Circular Memorandum dated 21st July, 1854, on this point reads:–

"A large part of the Army being employed in Turkey, where it has been found beneficial to keep the upper lip unshaven and allow the moustache to grow, the General Officer Commanding-in-Chief is pleased to authorize the practice in the army generally The wearing of the moustache is to be optional with all ranks."

During the Great War of 1914-1918 the wearing of the moustache was also made optional, as it is at present [1954]

King's Regulations and Orders for the Army; 1908

1695.     The forage cap will not be worn with service dress, unless specifically ordered as a distinguishing mark between opposing forces. Forage and service dress caps will be placed evenly on the head. The hair of the head will be kept short. The chin and under-lip will be shaved, but not the upper lip. Whiskers, if worn, will be of moderate length.

The Frontenac Times

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EDT
Saturday, 15 June 2013

The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment) - (1915)
Topic: Tradition

From: Regimental Nicknames and Traditions of the British Army, Fifth Edition, 1915; printed by Gale & Polden, Ltd., Aldershot

The Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment)

Depot: Hounslow
Record Office: Hounslow

Battle Honours:

Namur, 1695
Martinique, 1809
Kandahar, 1880
Afghanistan, 1879-1880
Relief of Ladysmith
South Africa, 1899-1900

Uniform: Scarlet
Facings: Blue
Headdress: Racoonskin cap, with white plume on right side. Cap, Blue, with scarlet band.

Regimental March: "British Grenadiers"

Until after the Crimean War there were no 2nd Lieutenants or Ensigns in the regiment. The regiment has the privilege of marching through the City of London with fixed bayonets, drums beating and colours flying.

Raised in 1685. In the Peninsular War it took a glorious part, and no troops hazarded their lives more freely for their country's cause, than the Royal Fusiliers. At Talavera, they met the storm od war with unshakable firmness, and captured seven of the enemy's guns, but the undying lustre of the glory they won at Albuhera, almost overshadows their other gallant exploits at this time. They had marched from Badajos at 2 a.m. the same day, and the night march of 20 miles, followed by the supreme effort which regained the lost heights of Albuhera, must rank as an unsurpassed feat of arms. During the Crimean War the conduct of the Royal Fusiliers won further glory.

It was once known as "The Hanoverian White Horse," and also as the "Elegant Extracts" from the fact that the officers were selected from other corps.

Military Customs

By Major T.J. Edward, M.B.E., F.R.Hist.S.
Fourth Edition, 1954, Gale & Polden, Ltd., Aldershot

No Loyal Toast:

There are some regiments which never honour the Loyal Toast; the usual reason given is that they have at some time obtained a dispensation from the Sovereign on the ground that their loyalty was above suspicion. But this is a fallacy, because, by inference, the loyalty of those regiments which do observe the custom is in question. Some of these regiments are The Queen's Bays, 3rd Carabiniers, 5th Royal Iniskilling Dragoon Guards, The Royal Dragoons, 3rd Hussars, 15th/19th Hussars, Grenadier Guards, Coldstream Guards, Welsh Guards and The Royal Fusiliers.

City of London Privilege:

Up to October, 1924, the privilege was enjoyed solely by the 6th Battalion, which was formerly the Royal London Militia and was recruited, on its formation, in the City of London under the usual Warrants. Its claim is strengthened by the fact that it is the lineal descendants of the London Trained Bands.

In October, 1924, the privilege was extended to all battalions of The Royal Fusiliers in view of the fact that it had been designated "City of London Regiment" and that a large proportion of its recruits are London men. Moreover, it is the only regiment which is representative of London.

The regiment was raised in 1695 as an "Ordnance Regiment," the nucleus being two old Independent Companies which had garrisoned the Tower of London for many years. This circumstance gave it a strong claim to the privilege.

Wide Red Stripe of Trousers:

At the time of the rebellion led by the Duke of Monmouth in 1685, James II raised several regiments of Horse and Foot to augment the small Royal army. The senior regiment of Foot then raised was under the colonelcy of George Legge, Lord Dartmouth, by Commission date 11th June, 1685. His Lordship was Master-General of the Ordnance at that time and was, therefore, responsible for the artillery. The guns were manned by specialists in this at, and the armament was transported by horses led by civilian drivers hired as occasion needed. No provision was made for the defence of the guns. Dartmouth's regiment was accordingly armed with fusils and given the duty of acting as escort to the artillery, or ordnance, from which circumstances it was sometimes described as "The Ordnance Regiment." However, in the Royal Warrant appointing Dartmouth to the colonelcy it is a designated "Our Royal Regiment of Fusiliers," thus taking its name from the weapon with which it was armed.

In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries it was possible to deduce the functions and organization of a regiment from its title—e.g., Horse, Dragoon, Marines—and it was in accordance with this system of nomenclature that the above-mentioned regiment was designated Fusiliers, because at the beginning of their service they were armed with fusils.

A reminder of the fact that the regiment was once closely associated with the artillery may be seen in the extra-wide red stripe down the outer seams of the officers' full-dress overalls and pantalons. Before the late war the usual width of stripe in infantry regiments was one-quarter inch, but in The Royal Fusiliers it was five-eighths inch. With the intrduction of No. 1 dress since the war the width of the red stripe for officers of the infantry generally is one inch, but in The Royal Fusiliers it is one and three-quarters inches, thus maintaining the distinction.

Owing to its special duty of guarding the artillery, The Royal Fusiliers did not carry Colours at the outset of their career, and consequently had no officers of the rank of Ensign, but had Lieutenants instead. A little later, however, their organization corresponded to a Foot Regiment and they carried Colours, but they did not have Ensigns until 1854.

Bandsman's Brass Scabbards:

For the past one hundred and sixty years it has ben the custom of the bandsmen of the 1st Battalion The Royal Fusiliers to wear brass scabbards for their swords (or dirks). H.R.H. The Duke of Kent, father of Queen Victoria, was Colonel of the Regiment from 1789 to 1801. In 1790 he presented these brass scabbards to the regiment and they are still in use, which speaks well for the durability of the material.

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 15 June 2013 12:55 AM EDT
Friday, 14 June 2013

Military Incompetence
Topic: Officers

Excerpts from the pages of On the Psychology of Military Incompetence, by Norman F. Dixon (1976).

Military incompetence involves:

  • A serious wastage of human resources and failure to observe one of the first principles of war – economy of force.
  • A fundamental conservatism and clinging to outworn tradition, an inability to profit from past mistakes (owing in part to a refusal to admit past mistakes).
  • A tendency to reject or ignore information which is unpalatable or which conflicts with preconceptions.
  • A tendency to underestimate the enemy and overestimate the capabilities of one's own side.
  • Indecisiveness and a tendency to abdicate from the role of decision-maker.
  • An obstinate persistence in a given task despite strong contrary evidence.
  • A failure to exploit a situation gained and a tendency to `pull punches' rather than push home an attack.
  • A failure to make adequate reconnaissance.
  • A predilection for frontal assaults, often against the enemy's strongest point.
  • A belief in brute force, rather than the clever ruse.
  • A failure to make use of surprise or deception.
  • An undue readiness to find scapegoats for military set- backs.
  • A suppression or distortion of news from the front, usually rationalized as necessary for morale or security.
  • A belief in mystical forces – fate, bad luck, etc.

Incompetent commanders, it has been suggested, are often those who were attracted to the military because it promised gratification of certain neurotic needs. These include a reduction in anxiety regarding real or imagined lack of virility/potency/masculinity; … boosts for sagging self-esteem; … power, dominance and public acclaim; … and legitimate outlets for, and adequate control of, his own aggression.

Book Review: On the Psychology of Military Incompetence by Norman F. Dixon

Available at Amazon

The Senior Subaltern

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EDT
Thursday, 13 June 2013

I Am The Very Model of a Modern Major-General
Topic: Humour

"The Pirates of Penzance"
or The Slave of Duty

Written by W. S. Gilbert and Sir Arthur Sullivan.

I Am The Very Model of a Modern Major-General


I am the very model of a modern Major-General,
I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral,
I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical
From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical;
I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical,
I understand equations, both the simple and quadratical,
About binomial theorem I'm teeming with a lot o' news,
With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse.


With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse.
With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse.
With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse.


I'm very good at integral and differential calculus;
I know the scientific names of beings animalculous:
In short, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral,
I am the very model of a modern Major-General.


In short, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral,
He is the very model of a modern Major-General.


I know our mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's;
I answer hard acrostics, I've a pretty taste for paradox,
I quote in elegiacs all the crimes of Heliogabalus,
In conics I can floor peculiarities parabolous;

I can tell undoubted Raphaels from Gerard Dows and Zoffanies,
I know the croaking chorus from the Frogs of Aristophanes!
Then I can hum a fugue of which I've heard the music's din afore,
And whistle all the airs from that infernal nonsense Pinafore.


And whistle all the airs from that infernal nonsense Pinafore.
And whistle all the airs from that infernal nonsense Pinafore.
And whistle all the airs from that infernal nonsense Pinafore.


Then I can write a washing bill in Babylonic cuneiform,
And tell you ev'ry detail of Caractacus's uniform:
In short, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral,
I am the very model of a modern Major-General.


In short, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral,
He is the very model of a modern Major-General.


In fact, when I know what is meant by "mamelon" and "ravelin",
When I can tell at sight a Mauser rifle from a javelin,
When such affairs as sorties and surprises I'm more wary at,
And when I know precisely what is meant by "commissariat",
When I have learnt what progress has been made in modern gunnery,
When I know more of tactics than a novice in a nunnery
In short, when I've a smattering of elemental strategy,
You'll say a better Major-General has never sat a gee.


You'll say a better Major-General has never sat a gee.
You'll say a better Major-General has never sat a gee.
You'll say a better Major-General has never sat a gee.


For my military knowledge, though I'm plucky and adventury,
Has only been brought down to the beginning of the century;
But still, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral,
I am the very model of a modern Major-General.


But still, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral,
He is the very model of a modern Major-General.

The Senior Subaltern

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EDT
Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Pigs Have Wings; by Strome Galloway
Topic: Officers

With thanks to Capt (ret'd) Brian Colgate, CD, The Regimental Rogue now includes a copy of Pigs Have Wings, "Talk of Many Things," for the Instruction of Subaltern Officers of The Canadian Guards; by Lieut.-Col. Strome Galloway, ED, CD (1960).

Find Pigs Have Wings in the resources offered by The Senior Subaltern.

The Original Foreword, by Col Strome Galloway

The contents of this little book are to be considered confidential. The paragraphs I have written are for the instruction of subaltern officers of The Canadian Guards and for no one else.

In my opinion, these paragraphs contain many of the "secrets of our craft." If we adhere to the code of living which emerges from the wisdom collected between these covers we will set a standard of personal and group conduct which will soon reflect great credit on each one of us, our Battalion as a whole, and the Regiment to which we have the honour to belong.

You are to read and re-read the succeeding paragraphs and keep the knowledge they impart before you at all times. As officers you will, of course, feel duty-bound to adapt yourselves to the code of conduct that these paragraphs outline for you. Being human you may fail at first to see the real value these paragraphs reflect, and you may have difficulty at times in living up to the high standards which they demand. You must not become discouraged, but must continually try to grasp the true worth of the instructions they contain. As you grow older in the Service the "way of life" pointed out here will become second nature to you and you will take great pride in your prestige as an "officer and a gentleman." Always remember that you are IN THE GUARDS and strive for the perfection that an intelligent appreciation of this booklet will help you achieve.

This booklet is not concerned with either training or administration. These matters are of the utmost importance, since the whole reason for our being is to fight efficiently in war. Bu t training and administration are only the "muscle" and "brains" of our corporate being. We must not neglect the "soul" of the military profession as I see it, particularly as it applies to the Canadian Guards.

Col Strome Galloway - The RCR Association Photographic Database

Strome Galloway at the Memory project

Obituary at The Monarchist

The Senior Subaltern

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 12 June 2013 12:34 AM EDT
Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Medal Collecting; Themes

Collectors of medals, as in so many other human endeavours, approach their hobby from a personal perspective. This perspective will determine the degree to which they get involved in the hobby and the particular themes or concepts that shape their collections. The potential variety of collecting themes is what generates quizzical looks from collectors when they hear those dreaded questions: "Oh, you collect medals? What can you tell me about these ones?" There is always the possibility that the medals in question match the collector's personal interests but, more often, they may be outside his (or her) collecting theme and then the presumed expert appears to be unhelpful because of the assumptions made by the questioner.

The uninitiated might ask: "How many possibilities could there be for medal collecting themes?"

Some collectors take a numismatic approach to their collections. For a selection of medals bounded by time or geography of represented service, they seek one example of each issued medal, and ideally in the best condition possible. With no less respect for the soldiers who earned the medals they acquire, their interests can lead them to trading or reselling medals for examples in better condition as their collections edge forward to their own concept of the complete collection.

Others seek medals with less of a concern for the particular condition of each example, as long as they fall within a selected theme. While some collectors limit themselves to a single theme, which may be a very broad categorization in itself (e.g., it may be as broadly described as "ones that pique my interest"), others collect within more narrow boundaries and may even pursue medals from multiple distinct themes at any one time. Medal collecting themes may include:

  • Individual battlefield actions
  • Campaigns
  • Wars
  • Unit (a single unit, or one battalion of a Regiment)
  • Regiment (all the units of a Regiment, which may include extension to amalgamated and perpetuated units within the regimental lineage)
  • Corps (e.g., The Artillery, or the Engineers)
  • Service (Army, Airforce, Navy)
  • Locality (servicemen who originated from a particular town, or county, etc.)
  • Nationality (born in a particular country, or with a distinctive surname)
  • National groups (e.g., soldiers from the First Nations of Canada)
    • People who are from identifiable groups of servicemen; for example, these could include:
    • Casualties
    • Gallantry award recipients
    • Prisoners of War
  • Military Occupations
  • Civil Occupations
  • Surnames
  • Service numbers
    • Specific number ranges (which may indicate unit of enlistment, time and place of enlistment, or just a range of numbers close to an ancestor's service number for the possibility of shared service)
    • lowest numbers
    • specific prefixes or suffixes
  • Specific medals
    • gallantry medals
    • long service and good conduct medals
    • particular medals with certain (or all possible) clasps

And here's where it gets complicated. Any collector might combine any variety of "simple" themes, perhaps defining their interests as:

  • "Soldiers who were artillerymen from Nova Scotia," or
  • "Canadian Expeditionary Force soldiers of Scandinavian descent who enlisted with the 197th Canadian Infantry Battalion (Scandinavian Overseas Battalion)," or
  • "Air Force Valour awards of the Second World War," or
  • "South African War groups including at least one long service award."

The potential variety is endless. Some collectors may have themes that give them a choice of medals to buy each month, or each week, which can create tough choices against limited collecting budgets. Others may have themes so narrow that they patiently wait and search for months or years between acquisitions. Some collectors may simultaneously build collections to two or more themes, which may or may not have areas of overlap. But each collector finds their own balance of commitment for time, funds and effort to build their collections and to research the men and their service.

It is in the diversity of themes and collecting approaches that we discover the great richness of medal collecting as a hobby as we acquire each medal and then, through research, meet the man, or woman, behind the service it represents.

Researching Canadian Soldiers of the First World War

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EDT
Monday, 10 June 2013

434 Squadron Colour
Topic: RCAF

Tourists with an interest in military history are often aware of the military history of the cities they visit. based on this they seek out and tour museums, forts and other sites of interest. But the sites that are often overlooked are ones that most seldom associate with warlike intents; the city's churches and cathedrals. Once the concept is introduced, it makes sense to anyone familiar with places of worship in our older garrison towns, but surprises await even those who know to look.

The older the town, the greater the possibility that the original churches in the city will have plaques, memorials and other artifacts deposited by military units and by the families of those who served from the towns environs, or who lived in the city and had military family members who served elsewhere.

In early May, 2013, I had occasion to spend a few hours in the Cathedral Church of All Saints in Halifax, Nova Scotia. One of the significant military connections found in this cathedral is the Squadron Colour for 434 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force.

Presented to the re-activated 434 Tactical Fighter Squadron on 2 July 1977, this Colour shows the perpetuation of the Second World War predecessor. Carried for 11 years, the Colour was deposited in the Cathedral on 26 Jun 1988.

Battle Honours emblazoned on the Colour are:

English Channel and North Sea 1943-1944, Baltic 1943-1944, Fortress Europe 1943-1944, France and Germany 1944-1945, Biscay Ports 1944, Ruhr 1943-1945, Berlin 1943-1944, German Ports 1944-1945, Normandy 1944, Rhine

Links to further information on 434 Squadron:


Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 17 June 2013 2:54 PM EDT
Sunday, 9 June 2013

A System of Examination for Regimental Officers (1855)
Topic: Officers

Hints on Bivouac and Camp Life!

Issued under the authority of His Excellency Major General Sir Gaspard Le Marchant for the guidance of young officers in the Halifax Garrison while under canvas for the summer months at the Northwest Arm, Point Pleasant.

By: Captain Wilford Brett, 76th Regiment; Aide-de-Camp
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Printed by Richard Nugent, Hollis Street, 1855

A System of Examination for Regimental Officers

The following queries were in use in the several corps that I have commanded.

Once a month the Captain closely examined his subalterns , and reported thereon to the Major of his Wing. The Major examined the Captains of Companies; and the Adjutant examined the Non-Commissioned Officers of the Corps.

Monthly reports were forwarded to the Lieut. Colonel of the Regiment, by the Majors of the Wings, on the general efficiency of the Officers on the above information.

[His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, at his half-yearly inspection in Dublin, put somewhat similar queries to the Officers.]

Queries of Inspection Required from all Companies Officers.

  1. Captains.—The conditions of Enlisting money for Recruits, and apportionments thereof?
  2. State the daily Pay of all Ranks?
  3. The Annual and Biennial Clothing Return, with sums allowed for Clothing of each rank, and compensation for broken periods?
  4. The several Acts of Enlistment of the Soldier?
  5. The conditions of the Good Conduct Warrant?
  6. Name and service of the oldest and youngest Soldier in the Company?
  7. The number of Recruits joined since last Inspection?
  8. The numbers in each Company, with the ability to account for every man by name on the strength of it?
  9. The number of married men, and children?
  10. The Religion, Country, and average height of the men?
  11. The number of men drawing extra pay, with the different grades?
  12. The number of forfeitures, and for what periods?
  13. Number restored since last inspection?
  14. Define the powers of Regimental, Garrison, and General Courts Martial?
  15. Number of Courts Martial since last Inspection—with the names of men in confinement, their crimes, and periods of punishment, and the date of their release?
  16. Number of desertions, and number of deserters recovered since last Inspection, with nature of punishment?
  17. Names of men in hospital, with date of Admission, and rate of Hospital Stoppages?
  18. Weight carried in light and heavy marching order and when in the field, and weight in detail of each article?
  19. Price of rations, ditto of messing and washing. the heaviest debtor, and greatest credit; the amount in Savings bank, and the greatest creditor?
  20. What is the state of your Company's abstract with the Paymaster?
  21. The time necessary for pitching and striking Tents of a Company, with the number of men for each tent?
  22. Price of necessaries in detail?
  23. The number of men for every 100 tons of Transport, with the warrant for Officers Messing?
  24. The provisions of the Treasury Warrant, regulating the daily rations and messing for Soldiers on board ship?
  25. Explain to your company pitching and striking tents in detail?
  26. Explain, tell off, and fight an "Advance " and "Rear Guard " on meeting an enemy?
  27. Define the powers of punishment of a Commanding Officer irrespective of Courts Martial.



The Senior Subaltern

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 9 June 2013 1:14 AM EDT
Saturday, 8 June 2013

Thomas McKenzie - My Life as a Soldier
Topic: The RCR

Many members of The Royal Canadian Regiment can name Thomas McKenzie as the Regiment's first recruit in 1884. Those first enlistments taking place in the new year after the Regiment was authorized as the Infantry School Corps on 21 Dec 1883. But few can relate many details of Thomas McKenzie's military career.

An ex-British Army regular, with campaign experience in the Indian Mutiny and the Fenian Raids, McKenzie had been serving continuously in uniform since joining as a boy drummer in 1841 at the age of eleven. Late in his career, at age 53, McKenzie would join the new Canadian Permanent Force.

The following is excerpted from the chapter of his autobiography which describes his service with The Permanent Force: My Life as a Soldier (J&A McMillan, 1898), which is available on the Internet Archive for reading in a variety of formats.


In 1883 the government established infantry military schools, three in number, to be formed by January, 1884.

I was the man first enlisted on 7th January, 1884, in the military school permanent corps at Fredericton, and remained that in capacity until 22nd July, 1895, the eleven years and six months, when I was discharged from the corps, or rather transferred to Sussex to take charge of the government camp ground I imagine that the reason I was sent to Sussex was in consideration of long and continuous service in the militia since 1862.

I will give a brief statement regarding this school corps. Previous to the opening, and while I was at Pictou, N. S., I, epecting the Adjutancy of the school, had lectured to the men in camp, and explained fully to them all about the school; or, in other well as words, the duties of the men who would join, as well as the pay, etc., they would receive. Consequently, shortly after the 7th January, several men joined; and in a few months nearly the one hundred men required had enlisted, and the work of drilling, etc., had commenced. We had among them a few others who formerly belonged to Her Majesty's service, who gave very good assistance in teaching the men their barrack-room work. From among these present only two, Color-Sergeant W. A. Daniel and Sergeant J. Wilson, canteen steward, who joined during first month, a few days after the school was formed. There are also among those who joined with me on 7th January, Hospital-Sergeant R. Cochran and Private W. Leek. Others joined at the end of January, one of whom is A.J. Fowlie, who succeeded me in July, 1895, as sergeant-major of the school. This position he is well qualified to fill, and I believe gives full satisfaction to all concerned.

"The RCR March" was composed by Band Corporal George Offen in the period 1905 to 1907.

I may also here mention the sergeants and corporals who were in the school when I left in July, 1895, viz.: Sergeant-Bugler G. Offen, who teaches the band in the corps, whose father was formerly band-sergeant in Her Majesty's 22ud Regiment, and Corporal J. M. Torrance, who teaches the buglers attending the school from other corps. The other non-cornrnissioned officers are Sergeants Nauffts, Bingham, Sheldon, and Paschke, and Corporals Shaw, Hagans, Ross, and Bayers. These perform their various duties satisfactorily, and hold qualifying certificates from the commandant.

Orderly room clerk, Sergeant G. Moore, was lately appointed district clerk, which position he is well quali- and performs his duty very satisfactorily. The present orderly room clerk, Sergeant T. Burke, who came from the military school London, Ontario, is the right man in the right place, for he has his duties at his finger ends. The master tailor, Sergeant George Harris, in an excellent workman. He imports from England all materials, cloth, gold lace, and other trimmings required, from which he supplies and makes the uniforms for officers and non-commissioned officers requiring the same, not only in the Fredericton military school, but to others of the militia corps in different parts of the Dominion.

As I had seen many crimes committed in the service through drink, I shortly after the school was formed organized a temperance club in the corps, and had over eighty to join it in less than three months; which the commandant, Colonel Maunsell, considered a good scheme for the prevention of crime. This club was kept up in the corps for a few years. Then we formed ourselves into a division of the Sons of Temperance, under the Grand Division of New Brunswick, with Major Gordon as our worthy patriarch, and myself as deputy grand worthy patriarch and treasurer of the division. The citizens of Fredericton considered a temperance division among our Canadian soldiers a great benefit. Of course, as the Queen's Regulations allow a canteen for the corps, there were some who violated their pledge but on the whole; men saved in more ways than one by it, and the good character of the corps maintained. While at camps of instruction with other corps of the district, or in barracks, and when at camps, our men were an example for the other corps to follow, in carrying out discipline and obeying orders as soldiers.

The Senior Subaltern

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 8 June 2013 12:42 AM EDT
Friday, 7 June 2013

Lynx reconnaissance vehicle
Topic: Cold War

The Lynx reconnaissance vehicle was a US-built tracked armoured fighting vehicle employed by the armed forces of the Netherlands and Canada. Offically designated as the M113½ Command and Reconnaissance Vehicle (M113 C&R), the Lynx in Canadian service replaced the Ferret Scout car and is not to be confused with the Ford Lynx Scout Car which was modelled after the Austalian Dingo.

Derived from the M113 armoured personnel carrier, the M113½ LYNX, with its cut down hull, rear-positioned engine and lighter weight, was a speedy and highly manoeuverable recce varuiant of its big brother. The high degree of parts compatibility with the M113 also meant that the logistic burden to maintain the vehicles did not require a fully separate set of spares.

The Canadianized variant of the M113½ placed the observer behind the driver and located the Commander's staion to the right of the center line. The vehicle was armed with a medium machine gun for the observeer and a pintle mounted .50-cal machine gun for the crew commander.

Canada purchased 174 of these vehicles starting in 1968 for the Regular Force. They were issued to the Recce Squadrons of the Army's armoured regiments and to the infantry battalion Recce Platoons. The Lynx was withdrawn from Canadian service in 1993, replaced by the Coyote recce vehicle.

A few dozen Lynx remain as gate guards, and another half dozen running examples are known. A listing of these can be found on Wikipedia.

Canadian Army Battle Honours

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EDT
Thursday, 6 June 2013

Vilify Not the Collector
Topic: Medals

Recently I displayed part of my own collection of medals in public. One observer felt it appropriate to state how dismayed he was to see dealers at the event profiting from the buying and selling of medals. But at the same time, my type of collection was "all right" because I researched the soldiers and displayed their stories along with the medals. So, which is it? Is it okay to collect, research and display medals, but not to buy and sell them? How, exactly, does one accomplish the former without engaging in the latter?

As a dedicated collector to a very narrow theme (medals to soldiers of a single regiment with a main focus on one war), I simply don't have time to be available in multiple places in case a family member brings a medal in for sale, or to watch dozens of militaria shows and auctions, or to advertise my specific desires in hopes that I can find matching first order sellers. Instead, I must rely upon, and I welcome the participation of, dealers who do all of those things. They deal in medals with a generalist intent, resorting the items they gather and enabling me to pick and choose the single items that match my theme, as they similarly provide for the collecting desires of hundreds or thousands of other theme based collectors. Without the great support of dealers, some of who become friends and will contact specific collectors directly when they receive something they know fits a unique collection, I, for one, could never have amassed the modest collection I have and display. The dealers, those so-called "profiteers," are an essential part of this collective endeavour called medal collecting that leads to the preservation and research of individual medals by collectors.

There always seems to be someone ready to denigrate the collector of military medals. "Profiting off their honour," they'll say, or "dishonouring the heroes." Sometimes, it's snide remarks inferring that the medals held by collectors must have been received via nefarious means, either stolen from families or swindled from poor widows. Collectors have even been called the "scum of the earth" by a Canadian Member of Parliament. With no open debate to counter his one-sided views, he even extended this opinion to the repetitive introduction of a Private Member's Bill to outlaw the sale of medals entirely. All of this is blatantly wrong in fact and tone; but held with such conviction that it openly displays the speaker's ignorance and offers little opportunity for rational debate. Once a critic has linked medal collecting to some sort of "sinful" profiteering, it is apparently a small leap to accuse any collector of somehow dishonouring the memory of those recipient soldiers, sailors, and airmen. This too, is one of those arguments they can never quite develop into a rational and complete argument when asked to do so. How exactly, they might be asked, does a collector spending hundreds or thousands of dollars to acquire, preserve and research the recipient of a medal group constitute dishonouring that recipient? The collector will often spend further time and money to remount the group for display, acquire research material and bring together the recipient's story (often for the first time), and go out of their way to find opportunities to share their work with others. That research is time and money spent that cannot be recovered and does not increase the value of the group. Significantly, it is work done at a level by very few Museums or other institutions which acquire medals, and exceedingly rarely done by institutions for "common soldiers."

"No family would ever give up such valuable treasures, surely they've been stolen before being sold into the market." Have medals ever been stolen and sold to unknowing dealers or collectors? Most certainly. Have collectors ever discovered stolen items in their collection and had to give them up as evidence without recompense? Yes, that has happened too. Does this mean that any significant portion of the medals in collectors hands were stolen. Certainly not! Watching medal sales on ebay will occasionally reveal an auction where that seller admits that the medals they are selling were their father's or grandfather's, in which they have no interest.

Just because someone treasures their own grandfather's medals and would never give them up is no grounds to assume that anyone else will, or that everyone else should, hold their own ancestors' medals in the same regard. Any number of things might motivate an heir to sell medals, whether that be a simple preference for the monetary return, disinterest in what they stand for, feeling no personal connection to the relative that had received them, etc. The medals might only be one more thing handed to the auctioneer when Aunt Mabel's apartment is cleared out after her death. If someone has no personal interest in the medals, they are unlikely to expend any time or effort to send them to an appropriate museum. And if there are bills to pay for a funeral, a thousand-dollar medal group may be one of the few artifacts in Aunt Mabel's apartment that will help cover that cost. Alternatively, if the sale of medals were banned, and an auctioneer stated they were unsellable, how many would then land in a dumpster with the rest of the rejected items as that heir worked with only the desire to be rid of everything in mind. In any case, there's no collector standing there ushering those medals into an auctioneer's or a dealer's hands. That decision nearly always starts with the last family member to hold them.

"Ban the sale of medals!" is an occasionally heard rally cry, one sometimes taken up by politicians seeking favour with constituents who might support such a measure. But this argument also is seldom fully developed; emotional cries for change seldom are. Should medals cease to be personal property, returned to the Crown on the death of the recipient? Would that not also prevent them passing to direct descendants? Or should families be required to register and retain them, releasing them only back to the Government to be held in an approved repository like a museum? How would we track such things, with a medal registry? What would we do with current collectors, seize their collections or grandfather them without allowance to resell ever?

Consider the likely outcomes of such a restriction. What would happen if we only allowed medals to be passed to museums? Consider the Canadian War Museum. That institution probably has thousands of medal groups in its holdings, but a tour of the Museum's galleries shows that mere dozens are on display, and almost every set is of a significant valour award recipient or has other notable historical connections within the particular gallery where it resides. So, if your grandfather won the Victoria Cross, your grandchildren might be able to visit the Museum that receives it and see his medals. If, on the other hand, he was awarded the standard First World War pair of medals for service in the Canadian Forestry Corps, rest assured they will be cataloged and placed carefully in a drawer along with many other pairs just like his. And it is unlikely they will ever see the light of day again, or have anyone dedicate hours or days to researching his story.

So,where does this leave us? Currently, it leaves us all depending upon the collecting community to value, preserve and research the bulk of surviving medals which are no longer in family hands. Medals to soldiers of the 25th Canadian Infantry Battalion will often find themselves in the hands of a collector who concentrates on that unit, perhaps because it was his own grandfather's unit. Is he not family, to all the soldiers of that unit? Does he not have a keen awareness of exactly what those medals stand for? Certainly he does, and much more so than the descendant of the recipient who found no personal desire to retain them.

While some collectors may hoard and keep secret their collections and the research they have gathered, often it is because they have found that tactic protects them from the very accusations identified above. But in this increasingly connected world, more collectors are speaking out and sharing the knowledge they have about individual recipients, about the units and battles they have researched, and about the techniques they use both to find information and to preserve and display their collections. Collectors build and share knowledge, among themselves, with inquirers about the soldiers and units they research, and with the public, increasingly through on-line forums and personal websites. Counter-intuitively to their detractors, and unlike some holders of family medals who have Grandfather's group proudly framed on the dining room wall (if not still hidden in the attic) and know no more than the shared stock of family stories, collectors add value through their own sense of community.

Vilify not the collector, for one of them might be preserving those family medals you are seeking, and which might no longer exist if collectors did not value these medals when heirs within the recipients' families did not.

As we approach the centenary of the First World War, we can expect a sudden increase in interest in ancestors who served, their medals and their stories. For those who plan to research an ancestor who served in the Great War, odds are that at some point you will be corresponding with a collector, or reading a book written by one.

Scum of the earth? Not exactly, Mr Stoffer, but given the origin of that phrase, perhaps we should take it as a compliment, for the men it orginally applied to were also vilified by public and politicians, up to the moment when their actions were recognized as achieving the greatest feats a nation could ask of them. But we collectors, Mr Stoffer, are not scum, and you sir, are no Arthur Wellesley.

Researching Canadian Soldiers of the First World War

Posted by regimentalrogue at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 22 December 2015 5:11 PM EST

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