Topic: Officers
A System of Examination for Regimental Officers
Hints on Bivouac and Camp Life; For the Guidance of Young Officers in the Halifax Garrison While Under Canvas for the Summer Months at the North West Arm, Point Pleasant, by Captain Wilford Brett, 76th Regiment, 1855
The following queries were in use in the several corps that I have commanded.
Once a month the Captain closely examined his subalterns, and reported thereon to the Major of his Wing. The Major examined the Captains of Companies; and the Adjutant severely examined the Non- Commissioned Officers of the Corps.
Monthly reports were forwarded to the Lieut. Colonel of the Regiment by the Majors of Wings, on the general efficiency of the Officers on the above information.
[His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, at his half-yearly inspections in Dublin, put somewhat similar queries to the Officers.]
Queries of Inspection Required From All Company Officers
1. Captains.— The conditions of Enlisting money for Recruits, and apportionments thereof?
2. State the daily Pay of all Ranks?
3. The Annual and Biennial Clothing Return, with sums allowed for Clothing of each rank, and compensation for broken periods?
4. The several Acts of Enlistment of the Soldier?
5. The conditions of the Good Conduct Warrant?
6. Name and service of the oldest and youngest Soldier in the Company?
7. The number of Recruits joined since last Inspection?
8. The numbers in each Company, with the ability to account for every man by name on the strength of it?
9. The number of married men, and children?
10. The Religion, Country, and average height of the men?
11. The number of men drawing extra pay, with the different grades?
12. The number of forfeitures, and for what periods
13. Number restored since last Inspection?
14. Define the powers of Regimental, Garrison, and General Courts Martial?
15. Number of Courts Martial since last inspection — with the names of men in confinement, their crimes, and periods of punishment, and the date of their release?
16. Number of desertions, and number of deserters recovered since last Inspection; with nature of punishment?
17. Names of men in hospital, with date of Admission, and rate of Hospital Stoppages'?
18. Weight carried in light and heavy marching order and when in the field, and weight in detail of each article?
19. Price of rations, ditto of messing and washing. The heaviest debtor, and greatest credit the amount in Savings Bank, and the greatest creditor?
20. What is the state of your Company's abstract with the Pay- Master?
21. The time necessary for pitching and striking the Tents of a Company, with the number of men for each Tent?
22. Price of necessaries in detail?
23. The number of men for every 100 tons of Transport, with the warrant for Officers Messing?
24. The provisions of the Treasury Warrant, regulating the daily rations and messing for Soldiers on board ship?
25. Explain to your Company pitching and striking Tents in detail?
26. Explain, tell off, and fight an "Advance" and "Rear Guard" on meeting an enemy?
27. Define the powers of punishment of a Commanding Officer irrespective of Courts Martial.