Topic: Canadian Militia
Corps Called Out for Active Service; 1 June 1866
Militia General Orders
Ottawa Citizen, 4 June 1866
Ottawa, 1st June, 1866
The Governor General and Commander in Chief directs that the following corps be called out for actual service, and that the said corps be immediately assembled and billeted at their respective headquarters, there to await such orders for their movements as may be directed by the Commander in Chief:—
Upper Canada
- Windsor Garrison Battery
- Goderich Garrison Battery
- St. Catharine's Garrison Battery
- Toronto Garrison Battery
- Port Stanley Naval Company
- Mount Pleasant Infantry
- Paris Rifle
- Brantford Rifle (two)
- Kincardine Infantry (two)
- Paisley Infantry
- Southampton Rifle
- Vienna Infantry
- St. Thomas Rifle
- Windsor Infantry
- Sandwich Infantry
- Leamington Infantry
- Amherstburg Infantry
- Gosfield Rifle
- Durham Infantry
- Mount Forest Rifle
- Caledonia Rifle
- Stewarttown Infantry
- Georgetown Infantry
- Norval Infantry
- Oakville Rifle
- Seaforth Infantry
- Chatham Infantry (two)
- Blenheim Infantry
- 19th Battalion, 6 Companies, St. Catharine's
- 20th Battalion, 5 Companies, St. Catharine's
- 7th Battalion, 5 Companies, London
- Komoka Rifle
- Villa Nova Rifle
- Simcoe Rifle
- Port Rowan Rifle
- Walsingham Rifle
- Ingersoll Infantry
- Drumbo Infantry
- 22nd Battalion, Oxford Rifles, 4 Companies, Woodstock
- Brampton Infantry and Rifle Companies
- Albion Infantry
- Derry West Infantry
- Alton Infantry
- Grahamsville Infantry
- Stratford Infantry
- Bradford Infantry
- Barrie Infantry and Rifle Companies
- Collingwood Rifle Company
- Cookstown Rifle Company
- Orangeville Infantry
- Fergus Rifle
- Elora Rifle
- 13th Battalion Infantry, 6 Companies, Hamilton
- Aurora Infantry
- Lloydtown Infantry
- King Infantry
- Scarborough Rifles, 2nd Battalion, Queen's Own Rifles, 11 Companies, Toronto
- 10th Battalion, Royals, 8 Companies, Toronto
Lower Canada
- Franklin Infantry
- Durham Infantry
- Hinchinbrooke Rifle
- Athelstan Infantry
- Rockburn Infantry
- Huntingdon Infantry
- Hemmingford Infantry
- Roxham Infantry
- Lacolle Infantry (21st Battalion) St. John's, four Infantry Companies
- Havelock Rifle
- Grandby Infantry (two)
- Waterloo Infantry (two)
- Frelighsburgh Infantry
- Philipsburg Infantry
- Montreal (six Companies)
And the Governor General further directs that the said Volunteer Force shall, during the time it remains on actual service, be placed under the command of Lieutenant-General Sir John Michel, commanding Her Majesty's forces in North America, and that it shall be subject to the Queen's Regulations and orders for the Army, to the rules and articles of war, to the act for punishing mutiny and desertion, and to all other laws now applicable to Her Majesty's Troops in this Province, not inconsistent with the acts respecting the Volunteer Militia.
At former times the Commander in Chief has had occasion to call for the Active Service of the Volunteer Force, to maintain International obligations, and as a precaution against threatened attack.
Those threats have now ripened into into actual fact. The soil of Canada has been invaded, not in the practice of a legitimate warfare, but by a lawless and piratical band in defiance of all moral right, and in utter disregard of all the obligations which civilization imposes on mankind.
Upon the people of Canada the state of things imposes the duty of defending their altars, their homes and their property from desecration, pillage and spoilage.
The Commander in Chief relies on the courage and loyalty of the Volunteer Force and looks with confidence for the blessing of providence on their performance of the sacred duty which circumstances has cast upon them.