Topic: RCN
Destroyers for the RCN (1928)
From the archived files of the Governor General, at Heritage Canada. (RG 7, G21, Vol. 232; File/Dossier 343, pt. 13)
Dominions Office CANADA
The Secretary of State for External Affairs, Canada
Referred to: —
The Prime Minister,
National Defence.
Downing Street,
18 May, 1928
With reference to your Secret telegram of the 12th December, 1927, I have the honour to stat that it is understood from the Lords Commissioner of the Admiralty that the conditions governing the loan of the two S. Class Destroyers (H.M.C.S. "Vancouver" and "Champlain") have formed the subject of semi-official communication between the Admiralty and the Canadian authorities, who are in agreement with the terms set out below: —
(a) The Canadian Government to pay the cost of reconditioning the two "S" type destroyers. These sums provide for the carrying out of somewhat similar alterations and addition s to those effected in "Patriot" and "Patrician", prior to their transfer to Canadian service.
(b) The Canadian Government also to meet the cost of any further alterations and additions that may be carried out, in view of the service for which the vessels are be lent, few alterations and additions have been embodied.
(c) Stores.
(i) Permanent Stores (Naval and Armament): —
A full equipment to be transferred with the vessels free of charge; any items required in excess of a full equipment to be supplied on repayment. Reserve of ammunition, if supplied, will be on similar terms, but freight charges in both directions will be a liability of the Canadian Government.
During the period of the loan, equipment of permanent stores to be kept up to date to the latest approved established allowance at the expense of the Canadian Government.
On return of the vessels from loan, any deficiencies in the full equipment — to be returned — to be paid for.
(ii) Consumable stores and fuel: — All be supplied on repayment. On return of the vessels from loan, credit to be given for the value of consumable stores and fuel on board.
(iii) Victualling Stores: — Outfit supplied with vessel to be paid for by the Canadian Government.
(d) The Canadian Government to take the vessel over at a Home Port on a given date and to be responsible for their manning and navigation to Canada, the responsibility of the Admiralty ceasing from the date when the vessels are taken over in England.
(e) The Canadian Government to be responsible for returning the destroyers to England on the termination of their service in reasonable condition and to be liable for all costs in connection therewith until the date on which the vessels are accepted again by the Admiralty.
(f) The Canadian Government to bear the whole cost of running and maintenance during their service in Canada and on passage to and from England.
(g) The destroyers to be available for return to the Royal Navy, if required in an emergency.
2. The Lords Commissioner of the Admiralty would be glad to learn that His Majesty's Government in Canada concurs in these conditions.
I have the honour to be,
Your most obedient,
humble servant,
(Signed) L.S. Amery.