Topic: Leadership
The "BIG 12"
Leadership Lessons at Division Command Level - 2004; by Walter F. Ulmer, Jr., Michael D. Shaler, R. Craig Bullis, Diane F. DiClemente, T. Owen Jacobs; A report prepared under the direction of the United States Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, 5 November 2004
A compilation of survey and interview data led to the formulation of a list of critical behaviors for Division Commanders (and other leaders) that would best assure creation of "A Command climate that supports operational excellence ["Operating"] and also motivates competent people to continue their military service ["Improving".] They are taken from the Leader Behavior Preference (LBP) items and provide a convenient description of critical behaviors as seen by study participants. They are described as "The BIG 12":
The "BIG 12"
At the top of the list:
- Keeps cool under pressure.
- Clearly explains missions, standards, and priorities.
- Sees the big picture; provides context and perspective.
- Can make tough, sound decisions on time.
Also particularly significant:
- Adapts quickly to new situations and requirements.
- Sets high standards without a "zero defects" mentality.
- Can handle "bad news."
- Coaches and gives useful feedback to subordinates.
- Sets a high ethical tone; demands honest reporting.
- Knows how to delegate and not "micromanage."
- Builds and supports teamwork within staff and among units.
- Is positive, encouraging, and realistically optimistic.