Topic: Leadership
Essential Elements of Leadership
From the Basic Infantry Officer Course, Phase II, Pre-Course Study Package, October 1998
Modern research shows that there is no single trait which consistently differentiates leaders from followers, except perhaps intelligence, so how do you differentiate between leaders and followers? This trait concept is perhaps best summarized by Field-Marshall Earl Wavell. In his "Soldiers and Soldiering" he re-emphasises the essential elements of leadership which are:
a. robustness;
b. practical sense/common sense;
c. energy and courage;
d. flexibility;
e. interest and knowledge of humanity;
f. fighting spirit;
g. spirit of adventure — touch of gambler — takes risks; and
h. maintains discipline and inspires devotion through:
(1) justice;
(2) competence and concern for welfare of men; and
(3) attention to administration.