Topic: Officers
Ford Manor - a.k.a. Greathed Manor
Characteristics Required in a Staff Officer:
The following extract is from speaking notes of Brigadier C.R. Turner for a speech to the staff and candidates of the Canadian Junior War Staff Course, Ford Manor, 12 April 1941. Appended to the CMHQ report on the Closing Exercises, Canadian Junior War Staff Course. Published under the Canadian Military Headquarters (CMHQ) Reports 1940-1948.
Co-operation with other branches of the staff. All branches are important so don't think you are a notch above your opposite number just because he is in another branch.
Characteristics Required in a Staff Officer:
- General Military Knowledge
- Personal characteristics such as:
- ability,
- reliability,
- initiative,
- energy,
- capacity for work,
- loyalty,
- personality,
- physical fitness,
- etc.
Also General Odlum's remarks that all officers must have character, intelligence and spirit.
Must always be ready to advise your Commander or Senior Staff Officer but once decision is given, even if you disagree, carry it our loyally. LOYALTY most important virtue, loyalty to your Commander, your senior staff officer and your fellow staff officers. Don't try to advance yourself by running down the other fellow.
Co-operation with other branches of the staff. All branches are important so don't think you are a notch above your opposite number just because he is in another branch.
Co-operation with the troops. Staff is there to serve them within the limits of prescribed policy. Get out with them, find out what they want, and let them see that you take an interest in them. Be human.
Orders. When preparing them put yourself in the position of the recipient, and ask yourself if essentials are included and non-essentials eliminated.
Keep fit. Only by doing so can you maintain the alert mind so necessary in a staff officer. Take your leave when your turn comes if operational circumstances permit and don't get stale.
Whether you go to a staff appointment immediately or subsequently after a period of regimental employments remember that if you are determined to profit from your period at Ford manor you are certain to make a worthy contribution to the great cause in which we are all engaged, particularly as one of the things you have been taught is that a staff officer must keep up-to-date in military thought and practice if he is to be efficient. A staff appointment demands hard work, initiative and ready acceptance of responsibility; these, however, are features which make any job worthwhile.