Topic: The RCR Museum

Lately, I've been helping out in the regimental museum; The Royal Canadian Regiment Museum. Our new curator, a welcome expert on many facets of museum administration, readily accepts that she is still developing a detailed knowledge of the Regiment's history (and is absorbing it at the usual Army firehose feeding rate). This has led to her enlisting the aid of in a few volunteers who have focussed personal research on various aspects of the Regiment's history.
Which brings me to this week. As the appointed volunteer to scour the chaos of boxes, shelves and racks in the Museum's basement, I have been turning up a variety of things. Some will help populate new galleries being opened in September (come see the Museum during Doors Open London on 27/28 September 2013), and others have been surprising, to say the least. Among the latter, today I opened a box to find donated artifacts which had belonged to a consummate regimental officer, Harry Tredennick Cock, M.C.
Shown above, and with the privately engraved back of his Military Cross shown below, how these medals had escaped being catalogued and placed on display, along with the rest of Harry's gear in appropriate galleries, will forever mystify me.
Cock's medals include:
- Military Cross
- 1914-15 Star
- British War Medal
- Victory Medal (with Mention in Despatches emblem)
- Canadian Volunteer Service Medal
- 1939-45 War Medal
- Coronation Medal 1937
- Canadian Forces Decoration (with two clasps denotng a total of at least 32 years service, but not yet 42 years)
- Officier de l'Ordre de Léopold, division militaire (Belgium)
- Croix Militaire (Belgium)