Topic: Army Rations
Canadian Militia
Regulations respecting Pay and Allowances, etc.
Ration Allowances.
156. The allowance in lieu of a ration of food shall be as follows:—
- At stations or places where rations are not issued $0.25 per diem.
- At stations or places where rations are issued $0.20 per diem.
157. Each officer, non-commissioned officer and man not in receipt of a consolidated rate of allowance shall be entitled to a daily rations of food, free of cost, consisting of:—
- 1 pound bread.
- 1 pound meat.
- 3 ounces bacon.
- 1 pound potatoes.
- 2 ounces flour or 2 ounces beans.
- 3 ounces jam or 3 ounces dried apples.
- 2 ounces butter or 2 ounces cheese.
- 1 ounce split peas.
- 2 ounces white sugar.
- ½ ounce salt.
- ¼ ounce coffee.
- 1/3 ounce tea.
- 1/36 ounce pepper.
- ½ ounce vegetables, evaporated.
- ½ ounce onions.
together with barrack accommodation and fuel and light as per scale. (Para. 1035, R. & O., 1904.)
158. When officers, non-commissioned officers or men of the married establishment of the permanent forces are detached from their stations on duty, their families will be permitted to retain their quarters and to draw their rations, fuel and light during the period of such absence. (Para. 1036, R. & O., 1904.)
159. No individual or corps shall derive profit either from purchases or sales or articles for fuel and light. (Para. 1037, R. & O., 1904.)
160. Rations not drawn, and those not used for the purposes for which drawn, belong to the public; therefore none of these articles shall be sold except upon order from the Department of Militia and Defence; in any case, the proceeds of the sale shall be deposited to the credit of the Receiver General. (Para. 1038, R. & O., 1904.)
161. No receipts for articles required for fuel or light shall be given to contractors by commanding officers until the articles have been received into store and duly approved. (Para. 1039, R. & O., 1904.)
162. An allowance of 20 cents per day in lieu of rations of bread, meat, groceries and vegetables, may be made to all warrant officers, non-commissioned officers and men of the permanent forces for such periods as they are actually absent from their unit on leave of absence or furlough exceeding three days. (Para. 1034, R. & O., 1904.)
(a) Soldier servants accompanying officers on leave of absence, may be granted the same allowance provided rations are not drawn. (Para. 1034, R. & O., 1904.)