Topic: Officers
With thanks to Capt (ret'd) Brian Colgate, CD, The Regimental Rogue now includes a copy of Pigs Have Wings, "Talk of Many Things," for the Instruction of Subaltern Officers of The Canadian Guards; by Lieut.-Col. Strome Galloway, ED, CD (1960).
Find Pigs Have Wings in the resources offered by The Senior Subaltern.
The Original Foreword, by Col Strome Galloway
The contents of this little book are to be considered confidential. The paragraphs I have written are for the instruction of subaltern officers of The Canadian Guards and for no one else.
In my opinion, these paragraphs contain many of the "secrets of our craft." If we adhere to the code of living which emerges from the wisdom collected between these covers we will set a standard of personal and group conduct which will soon reflect great credit on each one of us, our Battalion as a whole, and the Regiment to which we have the honour to belong.
You are to read and re-read the succeeding paragraphs and keep the knowledge they impart before you at all times. As officers you will, of course, feel duty-bound to adapt yourselves to the code of conduct that these paragraphs outline for you. Being human you may fail at first to see the real value these paragraphs reflect, and you may have difficulty at times in living up to the high standards which they demand. You must not become discouraged, but must continually try to grasp the true worth of the instructions they contain. As you grow older in the Service the "way of life" pointed out here will become second nature to you and you will take great pride in your prestige as an "officer and a gentleman." Always remember that you are IN THE GUARDS and strive for the perfection that an intelligent appreciation of this booklet will help you achieve.
This booklet is not concerned with either training or administration. These matters are of the utmost importance, since the whole reason for our being is to fight efficiently in war. Bu t training and administration are only the "muscle" and "brains" of our corporate being. We must not neglect the "soul" of the military profession as I see it, particularly as it applies to the Canadian Guards.
Col Strome Galloway - The RCR Association Photographic Database
Strome Galloway at the Memory project
Obituary at The Monarchist